Wheee! Truck is still in the shop. They called me yesterday to say that when they finally got the bed off to work on the frame, they found more facked up stuff and pushed the completion date back again to 9/30.
If I get it back then, that'll be 69(heh) days with no truck. Decided I'm going to make one of those Loss of Use claims with the responsible party's insurance. I don't know how normal people live without owning something with a truck bed, but it's killing me.
In the meantime, I've been spending my time trying to come up with hair-brained ways that make tacomas easier to flat tow without having to crawl under the truck each time to pull the driveline. I asked the brain trust over at irate4x4 for help, and the only solution we can come up with is a land cruiser FZJ full float rear axle swap with some manual locking hubs, and regear the front diff on the truck to 4.11 to match the stock cruiser gearing (it could stand to be lower anyway).
...I take it back: the other solution was an atlas t-case, but I ain't coughing up that kind of cash on a solution.
I figure if I find a good deal on one of those axles, I'll go down that road, otherwise I'll be crawling under the truck.