Toyotally Awesome 1987 4Runner

So drove this pile to work a few days everything seemed good no issues... drivelines seem nice and smooth on the highway. I do notice more gear noise from the Tcase going down the road but from my reading that's pretty normal with dual cases.

The only logical thing to do would be to hook this thing up to 35 ft motor home and drag it to Idaho.

Night before we left I swapped out this lower radiator hose that looked like it had Elephantius

Hooked up the truck to motorhome with tow bar. disconnect battery leave key on so steering wheel doesn't lock event pulled the rear driveshaft and strapped it up to the frame for my boy @vcyota92 normally I just throw truck in neutral and go with this being such a long tow and no having a drive train I actually give a shit about. Decided maybe I should listen to him for once...cause he's right "it's only 4 bolts. "

Mose is driving

First night we made it out to the Winnemucca dunes in Nevada... I had to unhook the truck. Plugged in driveshaft

Double low... feet on the floor... idled up this shit!


dunes were soft! and I didn't really feel like airing down so I took it easy cruising around



Kids had a blast playing in the dunes... def much needed after 12 hrs in the motorhome.

Loaded truck back up around dusk and hit the pike about 5am


made it to Idaho

Man I've got alot of catching up to do.

So in Idaho over the 4th of July my father in Laws Jeep Club was doing a night run... 🤡

one of these is not like the others....




We hit dirt and pulled up to the start of the trail... aired down and had a driver meeting... "Alright everyone we have 50 Jeeps and 1 Toyota" ME "YEAAAAAH!" while clapping. Bahahaha



trying to blend in



was telling Bob jokes the whole time....


The trail was just a fire road with some steep climbs that low range was nice to have....Was pretty much a perfect little shake down run considering I had just swapped the drive line and flat-towed 800 miles from home haha

so rad how long it stays light up north. it was like 930pm and was still light out... Finally, we made it to the top of the mountain. there was a big rock formation at the top, and everyone parked around. I just parked behind my father-in-law's Jeep. As more trucks began to pull in I cracked sport soda and watched the more built rigs... post up on the rocks in the middle... I was like ah man.. I should have done that...Well half a Miller lite later..... I was back behind the wheel of this vessel and on my way towards the rock pile in double low... The Jeepers gathered and watched in amazement. Much to my surprise...It just idled up the rocks with my feet flat on the floor... got up about as far as it would flex out. pulled the Tcase brake and shut her down...


Good times.

It was time to cut up the crawler in the garage.


Was honestly bummed to cut this thing up just no time to rebuild it to a running driving machine with all the other nonsense I've got going.

Cinder Hills prep.
just gave her a nut and bolt check.

added a few stickers


Drug her all the way out to Cinder Hills in Flagstaff, AZ for our first big forum trip.. ( tons of photos from the trip in this thread)


The 4runner was fun cruising around the cinders. The Mouse would have probably been a little bit more suitable for whoops but the whole point of the 4 runner was to have a family wheeler and that it was...







another rad trip in the books.
I have a bunch to update here but first ….Having a issue with the passenger hub engaging after Easter trip to JV. Truck is 3wd at the moment. So with truck on jack stands all 4 spin seems okay If I put my hand on the pass front I can hold the tire. I here a slight clicking in hub. I pulled apart hub down to the wheel bearings everything looks okay? Reinstalled and same issue. From what I’ve searched on various forums. Seems like it could be the locking hub assembly so I spent some time cleaning and reassembling last night. Going to slap it in and send it to the @friendsofoceanodunes clean up this weekend. Might be pulling the diff next week 🤡 Thoughts ?
time for a locker. my money is on the limited slip went out
I probably grenaded something at KOH on turkey claw... I think its going to be the splines on the birf...
I installed the correctly rebuilt locking assembly this am... going to send it this weekend going to just do my best to not need 4wd.
I'll pull it in to garage and pull the axle apart.



New shift knob who dis?


Looking forward to the beach this weekend
Alright so we survived the drive to and from Oceano dunes Clean up.. 3hrs or so each way... with the whole fam. Everyone was troopers...This thing burns oil like its trying to make up for all the Teslas on the road. But she runs 65-70 down the hwy...


My rebuild hub was still a no go. So it's deffinatly something in the axle or diff. Drove around the dunes for a bit in 2wd no issued until I came up to a dune where SXS was suck on up hill. tried to back up but it was mega soft and the rear just dug.. Got out locked the hubs drove out in 3wd

We got a few Dodged unstuck pretty much 20 mins into being there.


And then seeked refuge back in the dunes away from the wind
@Endless Trails / Shane and @sdecurti

We hung out for a few hrs let the kids play then heading off the beach to get dinner and watch the hockey and get out of the wind.

Traded trucks with my parents they had drove the tundra up that had the RTT on it. They took this pile to Rosebud inn or where ever they stayed.

Camped a night In the Tundra on the beach



Weather was perfect.

didnt take too many photos as it was windy Clean up was a good time.




With it being super windy we didnt stick around too long after the clean up.


Kayla and the kids suprised me with little fathers day project which was pretty cool.




Got Truck power washed and put into the garage for tear down in prep for the Rubicon next month.
super behind on this thread.

Rubicon July was bad ass



Truck did great. No issues.

We did Sand hollow in Sept 2024

another unreal trip
Halloween @the_fablab_ and I got sick on my front yard

Clean up brought this hooptie out instead of the mouse as I grenaded the motor...

DMC Thanksgiving out at Cougar Buttes


caved my door in getting a little over zealous trying to show @sdecurti how to go through a super narrow slot right by camp. haha
no glass exploded so that was good got the dent pushed out pretty easy.

I did snap the rag joint in my steering the power steering pump was on its way out so at idle it was basically full manual steering which is why i look like popeye now...

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weekend after Thanksgiving there was a cleanup out that the Gambler 500 the KOH HQ " The Ranch" so left the RV and 4 runner at @85Yota house and drove back out with @sdecurti

had a great time hanging out with Gambler crew and a bunch of the KOH staff.. Super cool expericance for sure.

Caved in the Driver door on Turkey claw haha No glass broken again some how.. Popped out.



help horn recovery winch out this tank
which bring us to to KOH
Prepped the leaf spring bushings that were completely fucked.

prepped some RC cars

put a new auto zone powersteering pump in and changed the box to a spare i had laying around

had the small fry help me bleed system.
KOH was rad. Ran Turkey Claw picked up some new body damage on pass rear wheel well and also at the top of the shell in the back like 2 inches from window.

It was Saturday Night on the first weekend we ran or tried to run resolution.


Ezra's Jeep lost tcase or trans. So we had to winch him out the sand hill! over headed my Alt and Battery pretty good haha but we got him out!

Truck was doing good until it wasnt.
Friday the plan was to meet at the Forty with a bunch of folks and then drive out to the dunes for some tacos. Powered by Ferns BBQ. Thanks again for the meat! I was in the lead of like 30-40 trucks.

Dropped into the sand wash made it like 1000 ft and sheared all 4 bolts on my passenger side high steer arm! FUCKKKKKKK
I pulled off and quickly realized there was was nothing quick about this fix. So I told the boys we were going to just leave the truck in the wash... and we'd deal with it after tacos. ( was cooking for like 100ish people so didnt want to let any one down) Hayden and @yota.mob tell me to go! and they will stay with the truck and fix it. I'm what! No! lets just leave it. They insist so I loaded the rest of the shit in a few trucks and headed to the dunes to set up.


Once everyone was fed we load back up and head back to the truck where the guys had the whole knuckle pull apart and were starting to get it all back together. @sdecurti hayden and @yota.mob @JosB @Lutz @Backcountry4WD boys @vcyota92 All hung out wrenched, talked shit etc
until it was all buttoned up. Super grateful for a great group of friends. Thank you dudes 🙏

