Local Legend 1969 bronco


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2022
I figured I should probably start a build thread since I'm working on this thing again.
little back story, I have always wanted a early bronco and one day (years ago) I decided to bite the bullet and get one. craigslist led me to this beautiful pile for $4500. it was a pretty big mess. it had tons of bonds from a previous owner filling in the door inserts to make no seams and to hind all the rust. oh it also had a 2wd trans in it.
the game plan:
full size bronco axles (should of just went with superduty axles)
coil overs all around with desert style rear links
4r70w trans and dana 20 tansfercase
full cage
a lot of other stuff I'm missing20130921_094751_FE17C52A-43DB-41E5-8913-333F32140F1E.JPG20131130_152652_D73B1681-2962-4559-B8C0-918A05D04084.JPG20131130_152756_2A78DC0B-4907-40DB-8B5E-E0CF91BB7FC8.JPG20131130_152811_02ACBB44-0A5D-42A1-A6C7-5E879CC20276.JPG
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so it sat for a long time while I was building my tacoma. we had a Pismo trip planned and the tacoma wasn't going to be done so I took a day and built a cage for it. Pismo was fun for a few minutes at a time. the engine looked like someone dropped it and the pullies were all bent to shit. so it would loose a belt at high rpm. oh and the front axle was using the the oil pan as a bumpstop20140719_080543_F893CA98-DD56-4187-A5A5-35901A04718B.JPG20140719_170404_5C0B8B8B-0F4C-4063-898B-2B89070A5812.JPG20140720_182818_06B7E581-E95D-4D2D-B36A-CA320CA1E1F1.JPG20140725_182637_2304FE8E-FB52-4A69-ADE1-5AA345862C8B.JPG
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then it sat for a least another year before I decided to get after building it. we also decided to move to Arizona during that time so it didn't get finished. flash forward 5 years from that, I'm starting to work on it again. man it's depressing that I have taken so long on it20141215_234733_DBCAF0C8-D7D2-45C7-AAB8-BE9802661E7D.jpg20160221_144137_64948561-4EF9-45E1-95D2-CA3489E208F5.JPG
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so new stuff. I rebuilt the transfer case and got it ready to go in, put the manual valvebody in trans. once I get those both in there home I can get driveshafts and check to see if I will be using my existing 14in coil overs or if I should go with 12s. then I can start the fun of building the rear shock mounts and sheet metal20230815_171410.jpg20230820_073653.jpg20230519_110746.jpg20230519_110734.jpg
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I have always wanted one of these. Looks awesome so far. Can't wait To see the progress on it.
Following now that I know who @vcyota92 is on here. Can’t wait to see the bronco make some progress. Not sure how, but if you need help with anything let me know. Sammi and I hate coming to hang out lol.
Is that first picture dates 2013? This project is 10 years in the making, it better turn out real good.
Started 10 yrs ago, in the making for a couple years of that. Similar to my build started in 2014 and sat for a most years in the middle.
I had my old ricor coil overs. after checking with a driveshaft and everything mounted, I found out I needed a 12in coilover not a 14. So I got a pair of ADS 2.5s. eventually I would like to put them on the front too. the ricors have a 1in shaft which probably won't be to friendly on square edge hits.