Tools, parts and tricks

Figured we could add this to this existing thread.

I am looking for a way to securely mount a nitrogen bottle into the trunk of my ranger. I have a small bottle i want to use.

Does anyone sell brackets for these that are solid enough for prerunning? I have seen the powertank mounts but they only make mounts for their tanks and propane tanks. The measurements are different.

Anyone have any ideas? Something thats easily openable for the refilling of the bottle.
Figured we could add this to this existing thread.

I am looking for a way to securely mount a nitrogen bottle into the trunk of my ranger. I have a small bottle i want to use.

Does anyone sell brackets for these that are solid enough for prerunning? I have seen the powertank mounts but they only make mounts for their tanks and propane tanks. The measurements are different.

Anyone have any ideas? Something thats easily openable for the refilling of the bottle.

I don't know what's out there, but I'd cut out half circles on the plasma table to cradle the bottle towards the bottom and top, and use a reputable brand ratchet strap to pull it in.

Or they also make something like this. I'm sure you could fab one up pretty easily that is more robust.
It looks like a 40CF nitrogen bottle has a diameter of 6.75". A 10lb nitrous oxide bottle is 6.89" diamater. Not a huge difference. Im wondering if possibly a nice nitrous oxide bottle mount would work if i added some rubber insulation on the mount itself that wraps on the bottle.


Also looks like the Powertank brackets fit 6.9" diameter cylinders. If too loose i could always shorten the strap a hair. Those would probably be the most secure for an offroad application

my power tank moutn is similar to that but uses a big t handle hose clamp instead of those straps that are rivited on... could get that mount posted, cut slits for a big hose clamp, and never worry about what size you need
I got an aluminum bottle from the welding shop,I want to say it was 70 bucks filled from Action Gas.