89’ Ranger 4x4

Small update, started mounting up the new to me hood that’s been sitting in the garage for the last 5 years. Made my own hood pins and used 3/8ths trick tabs drilled out to 9/16ths for mounts. I will have to do some fiberglass repair to fill in the old bushing locations, which I’m not excited about.
2B5C6143-8C51-4080-B863-826074A72508.jpeg@yltaco05 got me hooked up with a KCH4 head unit that he also programmed with 160 channels which will replace my KCH3 that had 13 channels.
Also, I made the Clean Dezert video with my crack mattress lol
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Started out the new year right with a little bit of river shenanigans.

Photo dump. Evan Walsh (BlackHat Studios) takes killer pics!
Thank god I looked around the truck for issues the night before. Steering swinger mount was just about completely broken from the truck. Added some plates to it so I could make it out the next day.

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It’s been almost 2 weeks and I finally got one fender completely mounted lol. Having kids makes this shit take so much longer to complete.

Bumped the truck out so I could see what needed to be trimmed on the glass.
@charlie_brown here’s one for you because I believe you asked how much I had to trim.. not much honestly
And I can’t just leave shit alone, had to redo the mounting design. Don’t mind the shit welds.
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She’s back
The old FM trans blew 3rd, so I figured it was time to swap in the M5OD and manual BW1354 out of the Explorer
And I got fancy as fuck with my tail lights. I fucked up on the mounts and had to do some LEDs in the tail light housings. The old socket wouldn’t fit because of the tubing. I also used Deutsch plugs for the bitches, no pics of them though.
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No crazy updates from me, just painted my bedsides


And I thought I was having a fuel pressure issue, the truck was dying on me when in 3rd at a low rpm. Turns out I did have a fuel pressure issue lol...



It took another 4 gallons after that fill. Turns out you have to put gas in these things.. dumb
Dude this truck is Fuckin rad!! Perfect stance perfect look
Small update. Shocks didn’t get mounted, pushed those to the side and started mounting the old ball crap.

Horns are in.
Added some tubes to the front bump to keep my lights from getting destroyed.
Next I’ll be moving onto the light rack actuator. I’ve already ran wire for it, just needs to be mounted
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I guess I will go ahead and start posting again. I will start with where I left off. The next couple post will be pic heavy. Bare with me

I installed the actuator for the light rack that I bought off of @PSDirtracer..
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Then I added in a sending unit for the fuel cell. No more guessing how much gas I have left. Had to be custom made.. so naturally that cost an arm and a leg
Had a beer with my boat before letting her go
installed a tankless water heater to free up some garage space and moved my tool box
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Built my buddy an exo cage for his xj
Proceeded to beat the living shit out of the ranger on the Dusy-Irshim trail
Broke his pile, luckily we were able to trail fix it and get home
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Fixed/improved broken shit from Rock Donkeying..
Replaced all poly bushings in trans cross member for delrin, rebuilt upper link, boxed lower pivot mounts, boxed trans mount bracket, and added in subframe tie ins.
I don’t have any pictures of the swinger mount, but I completely overhauled it which fixed a lot of the bump steer issues
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So, I’m just going to dump all the good pics I have from the trip. I’m no good at organizing/formatting anything on this site.. I mean for fucks sake, I still have an AOL account lol

This was a trip I’ll never forget.. except for everything passed 11pm each night.. too many natties. Apparently one night I straight plopped down on my air mattress which straight yeet’d Alec 3 feet high. And the next night accused him of being an alien.. Fuck it, I’ve heard worse lol
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OH SNAP! Broke the 35 spline side of the odd ball 35/24 spline speedway axles.
So, I’m sort of bummed on this. I always felt that the rear end/components were the last thing I had to worry about in this truck. I mean for fucks sake I’m only working with maybe 80hp to the wheels. Also, I’m guessing the added vibration caused some bolts to make their way out of the rotor adapters.. sketch 😬
Decided to throw the dice and ordered up an axle from Speedway. This will be the last one from them. I’ll start looking for a different company to build them. 5 week turn around! I find that to be an insane amount of down time.
Pulled the housing for fresh paint and hub seals. Next agenda will be to rebuild the rear shocks.
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