Toyotally Awesome 1987 4Runner

realized i never updated thread from Thanksgiving trip

complete report here...

Few shots of this pile from Last chance.

We rallied the troops again for our main run over to Last Chance Canyon.




@sdecurti was a Gentleman and led the UTVs viva dirt which from the sounds of it was a mission in itself with how hammered the trails were.
We hung out for and bit and let the Kids and dogs run around.

Installed another Deckal on the shit box while we waited


Once he arrived we started up the canyon.

bonus lines only for us in the front.



Incase anyone was why The Mouse wasn't along for trip... look no further than right here.


As we went further things got a bit more spicy for some of the truck we were with...

Metcho and I continued to take the dumbest lines possible.

We pulled up to the v notch... where a couple dirt bikers and a whole bunch of UTVS were stopped... They asked me if I was going to try the v notch? I was like yea thats the plan. He says " I don't think you are gunna get that thing through there." I just smiled. I stepped up to the plate and a crowd gathered.


Finally Conquered this Vnotch was pretty simple in the new ride... last time I was here in 2014 I was a little scared of scratching the Rover or blowing a window as I had it up for sail... haha well times have changed.

Made it back to camp after a looooong day...

New day loaded up bike for some shreddage
A little update on that fuel leak end up being the Fuel Damper

Picked up a freshie and installed that puppy in 2 mins and seem to have fixed my issue.


Interesting that toyota deleted this little guy on the newer 22re? my 94 doesn't have one?

Going to start getting my life together for KOH. Going to install that Shifter Baffle finally that I bought a few months back. Everyone else does that too right? Buys parts and never installs them...🤡
so few weeks ago after I sorted the fuel leak. I decided I had enough of those sick as fuck LED headlights and murdered out tail and corner lights.
So naturally pulled them off the parts truck.



ahhhh thats better
Light output is approximately two BIC lighters but looks way better IMO

The S2 I have installed looked swell on the bumper but were pretty trash as far as seeing anything at night... So I borrowed the fog lights off of the Pretender... Really robbing Peter to pay Paul. 🤡🤡🤡


Spent a little time getting cargo area dialed can see non murdered out lights here.

Was gearing up to bring Mouse out to KOH the first weekend. The plan was to leave the motorhome out there at Hammertown and then drive back in mouse then leave Wednesday afternoon and drive this shitbox out.

Koh first weekend didn't disappoint.

In case you missed the KOH thread ....
Holy shit well, that was an experience.


Chemtrails bro


Got out to hammer town about 9ish.... unloaded the truck waited a bit for @sdecurti hit parked and @theycallmeWALLY and I headed out to Coco Thunder... and ho lee shit... didn't disappoint. dude in a k5 blazer ripped a corner of his pile while slamming into another crawler... Thankfully no one got hurt...

Thats a 44 bogger... Take a look at the rear spring


Another dude in a Buggy rolled up and drug this pile the fuck outta there !


We got back to camp about 2 am I think I finally called it a night at like 3:30am 🤡

Paul snapped and Axle smoked a wheel bearing.. So brought out some spare parts for him that I picked up from @Down For Mobbing a few months ago.



there another dude out there from Oregon. That has a sweet COORS OG paint job that was in need of a 4 runner door hinge that's camped with @Giant Geoff ... well randomly in this parts bin there was one one 4runner door hinge haha.

So he's back in business


Left around 10am and headed home... with @sdecurti

My Daughter insisted on a foot bath

I'll be back out there Wednesday! for some more shenanigans!

Good Times!

oh and here's a few clips
Then a bunch of boxes showed up from our friends at Harbor Freight.

Standard 11th hour install...of a fresh Badland ZXR 12000 Lb Winch

I had to grind off the 2 center tabs. to get the new winch in.

I gotta say boys Harbor freight is stepping their game up!

Installed 4 of these rock lights with the plug-and-play wiring kits which was super nice as I have minimal time



Loaded up the rest of my gear and cooler

Wednesday afternoon was down the pike.
Traffic was pretty choice off Pearblossom

This guy a little ticked when I pulled him off the line at the next light...

"Built with Tools, NOT CHOP STIX" bhahaha

Pulled up to camp just after dark I think it was? Met up with Alon and Andrews from HF.
Was lucky enough to have the dude (Andrew) that designed the winch install the synthetic line on the winch for me. Reeled in the truck off my buddy Scott Jeep while I enjoyed a Sport soda. Then lets see @theycallmeWALLY @vcyota92 were all gun-ho about me doing Turkey Claw. After a quick conversation with @coorunner hes like you might wanna take a look first, not sure what you are trying to do here? Thrash your rig a bit or keep it alive for the rest of the weekend.?... but lets goooooo" haha

So we loaded up a rolled over there... our camp was probably a 2 min drive to the trailhead. Decided to take a gander at what the Claw was all about.

Found this trail plug at the trail head haha.

Nightfall... 9 pm top of Chocolate Thunder.


Teen wolf in full effect.

Our brotatoes from Baja Designs @WesWheelerlikesYotas and Company Rolled up with a frickin Lazer... Thanks again dudes!

Pretty sure you could see that bad dog from Hammertown.


20 lbs of Taco meat mingling with the locals. Watching the madness of Coco Thunder.

Good times!

Shot from the Top of Chocolate Thunder on another Morning clean up I think this was Friday am. Good shot of the hammer town.



Saturday we shot out to watch a desert section in @theycallmeWALLY ranger. ended up deleting an alignment cam. Fixed that pile and limped it back near camp to Turkey Claw where we posted up all day.

Had a great time met up with bunch of great peeps @K5junkie

@Thesloanerboner ,the GFC dudes We hung out until about 3 or so when the wind picked up.

All of us (@theycallmeWALLY ,@sdecurti , @vcyota92 amd I decided that loading up and GTFOing was the best game plan to beat the line out and not get completely sandblasted. So hooked this pile up to RV and pulled her home.

KOH was a success. Had zero issues other than... back window decided it wants to only work if someone is pushing on the back tailgate. Going to rewire that bad boy to move the switch and delete all the safeguards that cause it not to work... If you've got a first gen you know what im talking about.
oh and my Off lights were flickering on an off while cruising through the desert looks like it is finally time to install that switch pros I have sitting on the shelf in the garage. 🤡 It's all good the lights going in and out provided plenty of entertainment for @vcyota92
Last trip out in this thing was back in April.. had a great time with the @Adventure Endeavor and @the_fablab_ and company.

Had a rad time out there exploring old mines and cruising around.

a few favorites




We cruised out to the poppies.. found this guy in his honda pilot stuck in the middle of nowhere. pulled up right next to him with the standard arm out the window elbow bent look over EYYYYY, You need a pull? He looks back over and smiles and nods didn't speak a lick of english... 👌
First chance I have had to try out the Badlands winch. Free spool cable hand it to the dude to hook up in ankle deep puddle. Start to winch him annddddd I am I just dragging the 4 runner toward him. Let out a little slack and pop it in 2 low. give it a little bit of a tug, didn't want to yank him too bad as his whole family is in the car still. Ended up digging with the rear and roosting the shit out of the inside of my truck due to my door being open...Let him back out... hop out lock the hubs and repeat with a little more sauce and pull him out..... Sweet, he's out only issue we are having is....4 runner clutch when compressed sounds like its going to blow up haha. FUCKKKKK No good deeds goes unpunished...

Unsure at first if we were good or I was gonna need to get towed back to the Imax parking lot where we parked the motor home 10 miles away...
Loaded up the squad..... Assured my wife everything was fine... 🤡 Fired her back up... my daughter covering her ears in the back seat... 😂 the noise was truly nails on the chalkboard status. slammed her into gear and go outta there... made it all the way back to the parking lot with no issue. EV-E passed out on the way back haha.

made it home safe!

Truck had been parked just have have too much shit going to rip into it. We did the whiskey offroad race at the end of April so was training for that. Backed it out of the driveway for something...only to have this white 4runner park behind me on the street funny how things have changed haha.

remember this thing?

Welp if I have to put the trans.. to do the clutch.. might as well harvest the duals out of this pile of parts.



now the fun begins....
So taking the Trans and Tcase was a little more eventful than when I dropped the trans and duals out of parts truck.
Long story short. I am an idiot and did not strap the tranny to the tranny jack so as I started to lower and pull the trans back from the motor cause the jack to slip out from under trans and completely leave the chat.... 🤡 I rolled out of there like Jason Borne.. a real safety 3rd... lesson learned haha maybe.


Out is out right haha.

God this thing was nasty





While I was in there did the real main and had to pull oil pan... all of the bolts were finger tight! pan had a paper a gasket and RTV no wonder this thing was bleading so bad.


Pilot bearing... the bread trick... shit works.
@sdecurti Cruised over to help me get the duals in.

Had to delete the OG torsion bar mounts



needed some tabs cut... @the_fablab_ to the rescue

Had to rework e-brake mount a little bit


Because of the body lift the hole for the shifter ended up bigger than I wanted it... didn't even think about the shifters already being extended from prior owner.



All good though you cant tell with the plate covers over it.. and yea shit had to be purple! ended up ditching that blown out plastic console.

little video recap of what I just explained

oh and what would a day of wrenching be without some blood .... was installed the clutch slave ... 3/8 drive ratchet. with a extension and 12 mm socket slipped off the bolt and out of my hand and zinged me right in the eyebrow.

Good times!