Chop Shop Builds

a looooooooooooooot done tonight/today................

engine cage is fucking out. not clean, at all, but its out. not looking forward to making it Marcellica type clean. because I'll prolly give up halfway through and just say fuck it. hah.
but that's what im striving for.......... "Marcellica type CLEAN WORK" haha

siiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fab



sick motor mounts.......... if you can see how theyre finagled/hodgepodge welded on..............










Test fitment on a smaller booster and master cylinder for me to see if it will work on my Ranger. Swap one in from a fiesta.
please provide me with more details on this.
what exactly do i need to buy/get/have/do????

googled gave me this.........??

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Im in the early stages of research. But i think the 2nd link is everything. I need to see one in person to see how small it is and the bolt pattern for the booster to the body. Then possibly adapters for the brake master to brake lines.
Then i think some adapter will be needed for brake pedal to booster.
I was looking at 2012 fiesta booster and master so they fit together, and they are way shorter so you can fit a coilover and bypass with good shock angles.
Im in the early stages of research. But i think the 2nd link is everything. I need to see one in person to see how small it is and the bolt pattern for the booster to the body. Then possibly adapters for the brake master to brake lines.
Then i think some adapter will be needed for brake pedal to booster.
I was looking at 2012 fiesta booster and master so they fit together, and they are way shorter so you can fit a coilover and bypass with good shock angles.
oh oh oh okay, so you havent got it tried and tested/true and all that yet. ok, well then as of right now..... thats not really something im going to worry about.

update on POS/pussygetter............
i did absolutely nothing today or yesterday.
i had a thought in my head to start cutting all the tube stubs back/start cleaning up the frame and whatnot........ but it never happened.

Monster Jam last night with Brogan and then just life shit today.

heres a picture just to make you guys happy/think i have actual updates........... hah

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everybody likes cutting tubes and shit off the front of a frame........ RIGHT?!??!

LUCKY ME......... one of my fairly new friends has a 19 y/o son that never really had a father figure and he wants to get into all this fabbing/offroading shit. so she told me to use this kid for any and everything i need or could use help on to get him some manly experience type shit.

hah. sweet! heres how to hold a grinder, how to put a cut off wheel on, how NOT TO HOLD IT WHEN YOURE CUTTING, then i just pointed to what tubes i wanted cut off. haha. kid was a really good sport about it all, too!

he goes "idk what you're talking about........ it wasn't THAT bad or annoying. i kinda liked doing it"

my cousin gives him a WTF LOOK and says "yeah its always fun for the first time. thats it though." hahah

i told him that he will learn to fucking hate what he just did. hahah


next up, i need to show him how to grind on a flat surface and not GOUGE into the metal.
we'll see how it goes, i might have him clean up all the last bit of tube stubs.





oh oh oh okay, so you havent got it tried and tested/true and all that yet. ok, well then as of right now..... thats not really something im going to worry about.
No, unfortunately I havent tried to fit a smaller booster and master cylinder yet.
I wanted you to be the guinea pig. :)
trying to decide if i want to remove the beams/rad arms and fully clean those up as well or not.

pretty sure i will because i have 7ish years to do all this and i want to do it right the first time so that Brogs doesn't have to deal with all the bullshit that i've had to deal with. although, it has taught me a lot and got me to where i am today......... which I'd be ok with him doing.
i know it'll snowball into me redoing this and that...... but id rather do it once and just do it right this time.
i mean, ideally, i want to get a full different front end all together w/ steering....... but that will be out of the budget till probably, well, forever. haha

im thinking, remove the whole front end, cut all the tabs and shit off the beams/rad arms/whatever, strip them basically, re install, build engine cage/shock mounts all that, then remove the beams an stuff again, paint it all real nice and puuuuuuuuuurty like, THEN RE-INSTALL w/ the CORRECT LENGTH AND SPECIFIED HARDWARE THAT I NEED (no Stover nuts on one end, and then a lock washer & regular nut on the other end, and a 4" too long bolt above it with a Stover, or any bullshit like that. as it is now)
then go pick up your mother from the dry cleaners.
still nothing done since last post.

hoping tomorrow to at least pull the beams/rad arms off the truck. might get me into pulling the brake lines off as well since i want to run the lines down the rad arms, to the spindle, like my last few trucks i've done it on. and redo that all correct and stuff. start stripping the beams of the tabs and BS, make it all bare metal for when i start throwing tubes at it.

might not get any of that done as well.

hah. who knows

what does everyone suggest for stripping paint off tubes/parts of the frame that i cant skim with a flap wheel or someting?????????