Chop Shop Builds

that sounds like alot of work. I am not even handycapped and i wouldnt want to do it. lol
tested the fuel pump a different way last night, and its a for sure no-go.

i dont fucking know why. it was a few hundred doll hairs from SDHQ and it has like no fucking miles on it. i did buy it a couple years ago tho...........
just worked in the shhhop for almost 4 hours and did not get one thing done on the ranger..............

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt, the shop space is cleanly and organized as faaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk now.
which makes me almost as happy, if not more happy, than getting a bunch done on the ranger.











Clean work space is nice while it lasts.
Yes, I know this....... hah

but im hoping that my new fangled extreme OCD and cleanliness really comes in hand now. I really want to take my time on shit now and make it clean and good. dgaf how much time it takes....... i have like 10 years to do this

yeah, thats what i say now though. hah

we'll see
Might be easier to pull motor and trans as one with your radiator and core support out of the way. Then install them separately around the new cage if needed.
Might be easier to pull motor and trans as one with your radiator and core support out of the way. Then install them separately around the new cage if needed.

after writing that and talking with my dad, we might not even remove the motor in the first place.
i mean, we just need to move it all together FWD about an inch or 2, maybe 3, tack new legit motor & trans mounts in first. THEN I'll remove it all at once so i can weld the mounts and everything up all nice and reallllllllllllll gooodddddddddddd like. then finish cleaning it all up, reinstall motor trans, then build a new engine cage around the motor, bust it outta tha shop and go meet ur mawmacita for a lunch she's buying me.............