Smoke 'em if you've got 'em

@PREHNTR we should get a little chart going on what's good with what.

Pecan is just what I had on hand so thought I'd give it a go. Apple wood is my usual for pork as well.
I just tried ribs for the first time...I was going to bring these to an EV meet, but they looked too good to give away....really though, I love smoked turkey, but the startup cost to smoking meats looks high


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My little green mountain Davy Crocket started to have some problems with fan turning off and temp only getting to 175 and not maintaining that. So I picked up a new Z grills and been working awesome. Made some Tri Tip a few times now and it's been delicious. I know Elliott and Scotty got to try my meat and they both enjoyed it.

So if anyone coming out to Lucerne wants my old GMG Davy Crocket they can have it. Aweome grill I've taken camping since it is 12V cig lighter port and it comes with 110V adapter which is good if you want to test 12V cig lighter stuff in your garage and not in a car. Missing the grate the meat sits on. I'm guessing it needs a fan or something. Their customer support on the grill has been awesome. I replaced thermocouple and it worked good then the fan started turning off at a certain temp and it wouldn't get hotter. Would take a while to get to that temp too. So free to someone who wants to test it and replace possibly a small part and metal grill to get into the smoker game.
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