BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend

It will be busy out there boys, keep your head on your shoulders.

Don’t see why we can’t make this work unless my shit box is already torn down for the beam swap
It's a 14 hour drive for me, so gonna have to pass on this one!
I could probably fly into Phoenix....hmmm....🤔


all seriousness, I just talked to papa and he said he for sure does NOT want to bring the buggy.
I'd just be towing the pussygetter, getting no pussy, again, and papa would tow the giant ass toyhauler with, hopefully, all of meeeetman's meeeet and Brogs quad. he said most likely that's what we'll do.
Papa mentioned this after i just asked him about it. hah. didnt know it was that far out.

SOWWWWWWY/!!!!!!!!!!! IM LEGALLY RATARDED!! Dont make fun!
Yeah Labor Day weekend. September 1-4. Have most of the details figured out in my head but haven’t put them to paper/posting yet. But I’ll probably have camp marked/picked out the weekend prior just to claim a big enough spot for everyone.
it's in 3 months Labor day weekend, bud

Cinders...Flagstaff, AZ

As things get closer we'll sort out camp zone. Unless @Snowsk8air2 already knows where that is.
It’s a small ish overall area. Probably half the size of Gorman. So I’ve got. A few spots in mind. Just gonna pick one and if it’s occupied by the time I try to claim it then I’ll go to one of the others and post it up there
This should be a fun time! you getting any vendors or anything?
I thought about trying to make it big like that but since I don’t really know what I’m doing, figure try to keep it smaller this year lol. I do think tread lightly is going to have a presence after talking to them at overland expo last month. And I’m gonna talk to my brother in laws friend that has a food truck and see if they want to bring it out for one of the days. Other than that just keep things unofficial for this year and see how it goes. Do a couple semi organized group rides and then a group trip out to the jump for some sendy action
sooooooooooooooo.......... i assume this is still hannananananing? you already have a spot?
Definitely still happening. And yeah I’ve got a couple spots in mind. I’ll head out mid week and see what’s available and try to claim a spot. As soon as I do I’ll post coordinates as well as a pic on a map or something.
talking to papa and........ since im a broke fuck living on govt payouts like a lil bitch, papa will be paying for most of the fuel for this trip.
his truck, towing the toyhauler with the car
my truck towing my shitbox
up and down all the fucking hills getting there. $$$$$$$$$$$$.................... hed need to win the lottery first. hah

so were just gonna tow my truck and go old school and sleep in a tent.
talking to papa and........ since im a broke fuck living on govt payouts like a lil bitch, papa will be paying for most of the fuel for this trip.
his truck, towing the toyhauler with the car
my truck towing my shitbox
up and down all the fucking hills getting there. $$$$$$$$$$$$.................... hed need to win the lottery first. hah

so were just gonna tow my truck and go old school and sleep in a tent.
Nothing wrong with tent camping. We’ll be in our tent. Weather should be nice if it keeps trending the way it has been the last 2 weeks. Only downside to the tent is there’s no shitters out there. So gotta have a friend with one you can use or run 10min into town to hit the gas station.
This should be a fun time! you getting any vendors or anything?
all ears on this one, about a 6 hour drive for me. Work schedule has me free the first weekend in May and the first weekend in June. always down to get up to northern AZ

Cinders are open again? Havent payed much attention since the fire.

I vote July or August. Monsoons start rolling in in the afternoon to cool the place off, keeps dust down and good escape from the humidity down here. June works too, just can get hot in all that black rock. im down for any time from june on though.

Is the only access off 776 and 89 or did they open the 776 back up at the state park road?

I'm not sure my truck will be back together by then but this does sound like fun.

it's more like desert camping in black sand and pine trees. if you have never been it's a cool experience. there is a big main area that will be easy to get a big group setup at

It's a 14 hour drive for me, so gonna have to pass on this one!

Roll call bitches ! Any of you guys coming ?
Roll call bitches ! Any of you guys coming ?
Be there or be not here? Or something. I dunno. Looking like about a 50 truck turnout so not too bad I don’t think. Tell your friends to tell their wives your gonna be gone for the weekend.