I’ve been meaning to clean up the back of this bed since day one.
It never really had good tie down points for 2 spares. The 2 x 4gal rotopax kind of just slid around. Lastly, the jack never had a good spot and would always come loose. With all of that said the top picture is the ‘done’ picture and everything below is the work that went into it. I think it actually came out pretty great IMOP.
This is a budget truck so I'm trying to reuse anything I can or use anything that was free. Hence that beautiful jack...
First thing was to figure how to mount the free jack I got from
@sdecurti . I decided to just add a plate and mount it with some rivnuts to the bed. The plate would work better in the sand and it allowed me to put the rivnuts in an easier spot to undo the bolts when I needed it.
Tig welded the jack to the plate. I tig pretty much anything I can because it's just more fun to weld and I need more practice.
A piece of reclaimed tubing from the original turtle trucks interior cage. This tubing would help lock the rotopax in place.
And then I made some fancy tie down points for the Y-Strap I also repurposed from the original Turtle Truck. I copied Kibbetechs super cool CNC ones.
I used an old leaf spring sleeve and some solid stock I cut down on the lathe.
Now it was time to pull the bed so I could cut off old shit and weld on new shit.
2 grinders save time.
No idea why anyone would cut shit off and just leave a mess like this. You literally have a grinder in your hand... just finish her up. Took about 1 min per old tab they left behind. I think there was like 8.