ok....... i have a perfect example and personal experience to throw out MY thoughts on this event.
FIRST OFF, rest in fucking miller lite peace to the BEST TRUCK I EVER DUN DID OWN, BillyBadassBronco.
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now.......... i used to (some will argue that i still am((WILLIS

)), including me) be a fuckin idiot.
on top of that a drinking and driving idiot. a smart wun tho.......... haha
I WAS NOT DRUNK WHEN THIS HAPPPENED. i had a few beers, but not DRUNK.
full kill Bronco with everything BUT links and a cage. full buckets front/rear but ONLY WITH LAP BELTS. i was smart enough to know that running shoulder harnesses in a non caged truck is just a recipe for disaster. thank god for that too because......... well, you can see and imagine........
SLOW as fuck roll, i was simply slowly climbing up a fairly small (for what we had been doing) hill. planned to go up, down, turn around and go back.
climbed up pretty slow, thought i knew the other side, thought wrong, as soon as it peaked over the top, it toppled over and rolled down the other side 2 or 3 times.
i walked away with nothing but tears for the Bronco and my ego, girl in the back seat also no scratches, buddy in the passenger seat broke 2 of his finggyyysss, or something fairly small like that, injury wise.
we all had lap belts on.
IF we would of had shoulder belts on............ i might not be here today typing this out.
that was my one NEAR death moment. wasn't good enough for me so i decided to literally die a few years later but didn't like BEING dead so i said fuck that, came back to life and here i am (banging plenty of mawmacita's an all)! hahah
take what you will from this story, I'm not saying you
should or
should not do anything. that's on you. im just sharing my personal experience and what happened. as far as what AdamCleanDezDoucheMagooosh (
@Cleandezert ) said about driving really easy and not going balls to the wall, i know myself. i ALWAYS drive balls to the wall (just withOUT a Highlife in my hand now, or ever hah) so now, i wont drive anything any type of hard in the dirt that doesn't have a cage.
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