BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend

Need to replace the valve cover gasket on shit box
tear down the front axle and get a little prep going
and swap out a few body mounts.
debating putting the 37s on but I don't know if I want to open that can of worms with clearance issues that I'm sure will be arising...
Also, need to sort RV fridge and see why the shit its not working.

ill bring my angle grinder. Also thinking of bringing my millermatic 215 since its small enough if anyone has a generator strong enough to power it.
I’ll bring the sawzall for @dwphoto lol.

My buddy is bringing his race trailer and generator for his speakers that should be able to run the welder if needed. It’s what we had at koh to run the welder if needed lol. Or worst case something can get drug to my house and use the welder there in a pinch
Ryan, @Snowsk8air2 , check your PMs or accept my message request on IG, orrrrrr SKIP ALL THAT AND JUST CALL ME!



281 330 ate eight zeeero for HIT MIKE JONES UP ON THE LOOOOO!!!!
Rangers washed, topped off with fluids, shit inside is organized and gone through, need to buy another quart of trans fluid to keep in the truck, and load onto the trailer for good and whatnot.

im not sure about anyone else, but papa says that the I17 between new river and sunset point is always FUCKED AND STOPPED TRAFFIC FOR LIKE 69 HOURS, any weekend of the year. coming from PHX that is. otherwise, it should only be about a 2-3 hour drive for us. so it looks like with a trailer, no matter when we leave, its gonna be like a fucking 5 hour drive..............

he cant/hates driving at night. so he's saying we'll leave Saturday morning, and come home Sunday afternoon.
just towing the ranger and tent camping. ME, I, JAKEY would be so obliged (correct word?) if i could go poopy in someones camper when needed. papa says he won't do that and he'll drive into town. however far it is, to use a pooper.





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Looking forward to this trip!!! Just hope the truck and trailer make it all the way out the 40 in the summer heat…
Still figuring out what I'm doing. the tow pig will be in the body shop for this trip (convenient) so I'll be driving my junk there and back. and I still have to go get it from Colorado too.

Is anyone planning on bringing any old three wheelers, pit bikes, or anything of that nature? thinking about bringing my old three wheeler in case camp shenanigans break out. I was gonna bring the dirt bike too but I haver yet to get it fixed up from my last incident...
Still figuring out what I'm doing. the tow pig will be in the body shop for this trip (convenient) so I'll be driving my junk there and back. and I still have to go get it from Colorado too.

Is anyone planning on bringing any old three wheelers, pit bikes, or anything of that nature? thinking about bringing my old three wheeler in case camp shenanigans break out. I was gonna bring the dirt bike too but I haver yet to get it fixed up from my last incident...
I’ll probably bring a few Rc cars. Udr and crawlers
Still figuring out what I'm doing. the tow pig will be in the body shop for this trip (convenient) so I'll be driving my junk there and back. and I still have to go get it from Colorado too.

Is anyone planning on bringing any old three wheelers, pit bikes, or anything of that nature? thinking about bringing my old three wheeler in case camp shenanigans break out. I was gonna bring the dirt bike too but I haver yet to get it fixed up from my last incident...
Likely hood of camp shenanigans one in one form or another are high. The spot I have in mind for main camp should house 15-20 rigs/trailers if spread out properly. Just off the main road enough that we shouldn’t get blasted with dust too. We’ll see how much of it I can secure that Wednesday. Planning to drop my trailer and my buddies trailer and caution tape off a big section until Thursday when people start showing up. The first few to arrive might have to scoot around Friday as the rest of everyone gets there.