Adventure Endeavor's TTB Grand Wagoneer Build

Yes it's alive and well. It was out of commission as the 4l80 went out while in Colorado. We have since had it rebuilt and have been enjoying it all around the country. Recently we went to Flagstaff and too it out for a rip.

We are finally staying put for a little while to get some projects finished. We are in southern California and I knew I had to tackle the rear cargo situation in the back of the Jeep. It needed to be good for off road trips but also as a daily driver.

I knew I wanted to have two separate areas. One where nothing could fly out if it happened to come on strapped and then another area for PXL_20230223_202006478.jpgmore daily driver duties.

Then I got dinner merlot carpet to match the 1989 style.
I saved those slides to use for when I build a platform in back of my Sequoia to store tools and some spare parts in under my bed in the back. Nice work
So we did KOH with some of the buds and had a great time. Seems like it's getting more difficult to spectate as the years pass. Maybe I'm just remembering the good old times when there were 25 cars, ignore the click bait thumbnail lol. Anyways here's a video from the week, also valved the ADS shocks a little more and the trucks working So well.
