I’ve lived with multiple cheap clip on the battery setups and if you like simple and aren’t a gadget addict they are fine.
I keep going back to my M18 compressor.
I always air up “just enough” to drive home then top off with the shop compressor at home.
IMHO it’s silly to ask a cheap compressor to get your 33-40s up to 40+ psi.
I have a powertank setup I bough for work and have never taken it off roading.
On a long point to point trip with multiple road sections I’ll bring the powertank. Like a big Utah trip where you do 100miles of dirt, air up for a 50 mile pavement stint, then back to dirt 3-4x the powertank will be clutch. Otherwise it’s just too bulky for me.
The M18 is so damn handy day to day, I use it out in the driveway on the wife’s Subaru if I don’t want to stretch out the hose from the shop comp.
I used it in the desert yesterday to top off a low tire on the kids SxS.
I keep the m18 in my rig all the time and with a 6.0 battery it lasts a very long time.
I carry an M18 impact gun and usually a small work light/flood light so I always have 2-3 batteries with me anyway.
Best perk of the M18 is you set the desired psi and walk away. So you can easily do 1 tire at a time while you clean up camp.
IMHO anyone with Milwaukee tools won’t regret the m18 compressor. If you watch the deals they are affordable. My local plumbing supply house has a deal right now, buy 2x 6.0 batteries for $229 and get the m18 compressor for free.
FWIW my buddy professionally installs ARBs all the time and he swears these amazon ones come from the same factory.