Power Tanks, On Board Air Systems...What Are You Using?


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Visalia, Ca.
This has been a big topic for conversation between a few buddies and i for a long time now. We have all been indecisive on what we wanted to invest in. We're all tired of the cheap little compressors that take what seems like hours to air up all 4 tires, or being dependent on gas station air compressors that work half the time. Most of us drive our trucks out and back home so this is pretty important. For quality and efficiency, this shit's not cheap. One friend dove in first and picked up the MORRflate PSI PRO 4 tire system. Bad ass kit, but it does take a little time to set up. Same friend considered selling his MORRflate kit to run the Milwaukee M18 Portable air compressor which is a lot less equipment but may take longer to air up and you gotta depend on a rechargeable battery. Another friend dove in second and picked up the heavy duty on board air kit from VIAIR. Great kit but takes forever to install and doesn't have the fill times like other kits do on the market. I dove in third and invested in a Power Tank. I ordered their Package B 10 lbs bottle with the upgraded mounting bracket. I felt this was my best option. Super stoked, I should be getting it tomorrow! Next project will be figuring out where to mount it.

With that said, i'm curious what you guys are running?
I had a VIAIR 44442 Stealth Black Dual Value Pack on my Tacoma with a 2.5 gallon tank and it worked decent BUT when my air locker seal failed in glamis and running compressors non stop for multiple days killed them. I now have a Smittybilt 5.65 CFM Air Compressor - 2781 and it works good BUT i don't have it hard mounted I simply pop hood connect to battery and the coiled hose is long enough to air up all tires without having to move it. It's a high cfm so it aired up my 285 tires from 15-35 if no time. My brother has this one as well and aired up his 37s with good luck too. They do get super hot when using them so putting them back in the carrying bag right away I wouldn't recommend.
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I have 10lb CO2 tank in mouse and a smitty built compressor in 4 runner.

I love the CO2 for quick fill ups but couldn’t deal with the cost to refill the tank last time I think it was like 40 bucks. The smitty built seems pretty solid only have used it a few times but it was quick enough to fill up my 35s.

Most the time now I’ve got the RV so I’ve got a little porter cable pancake compressor that runs off the gennie. Glamping has its perks haha.
I have 10lb CO2 tank in mouse and a smitty built compressor in 4 runner.

I love the CO2 for quick fill ups but couldn’t deal with the cost to refill the tank last time I think it was like 40 bucks. The smitty built seems pretty solid only have used it a few times but it was quick enough to fill up my 35s.

Most the time now I’ve got the RV so I’ve got a little porter cable pancake compressor that runs off the gennie. Glamping has its perks haha.

Man that's crazy. I got a quote today to fill up a 10 lbs bottle for $20 at a local 4x4 shop.
I've got an arb twin air compressor in my jeep. It's rad because I didn't have to figure out where to fit a tank, and its not horrible at filling 40s. The price is a little steep, but it works. I'm contemplating buying the Amazon Chinese knock-off version for one of my other vehicles to see how it does.

DIMAIER CKMTA12 Air Compressor On-Board 12V High Output Universal

I'm thinking worst case scenario, I end up putting out a small electrical fire?
I bought an Ironman4x4 air champ pro. 5.65cfm. Looks identical to the smittybuilt above and also gets hot but so far has been a good compressor and the price was right. Has enough output that it isn’t arduous to refill tires I have 33/12.5 and I can go from 15 - 38 on all 4 in 15-20min I’d say. I figure it is what it is, gives me a chance to get stuff straightened up and ready to roll after a trail
I use a Viair portable compressor, it all packs into a plastic ammo can so it’s compact, easy to pull out and use. I got the lower CFM but higher pressure/duty cycle so it can do multiple trucks no problem. The down side is it’s a little slow. Takes me about 15 min to do my 35’s from 15-35 PSI.

I looked at the power tank, they are cool, but too big for my little Tacoma. Also I didn’t want to deal with getting it refilled before trips.

My bead locks came with a big scary warning not to inflate more than 25psi, so that's freeway cruising pressure for me.
what beadlocks do you have? Never seen warnings on tire pressure... but then again, never took the time to read them.
This has been something I constantly think about and shop for, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I have a cheapo small viar and it takes forever. My buddies installed the ARB twins and they rip, but they are really expensive. I'll be watching this thread. I'm tired of driving home from the desert at 18psi lol
I have one of these. It’ll refill 35” tires from >10psi to 30psi in about 2 minutes a pop

I have this one sitting in the garage. It worked well but the Schrader valve connector on the hose ended up coming apart internally and i never messed with it again. I also bought the Master Flow ammo can compressor that i currently have hard mounted in the Raptor, but it just takes too long to air up my 35s, and it gets way too hot inside the can.
Yea it’s gets hot even being out in the open, can’t imagine it being contained in an ammo can.
I thought i replied the other day but im guessing i ran out of service 😂
Ive never really been a fan of the small portsble
Compressors because they are more of a one trick pony. Sure they will fill a tire or air mattress but that’s about the extent of it unless you mount an air tank. I carry around my Nitrogen tank and regulator for shock stuff but also for tire filling, with the regulator set to 200psi i can fill a 37” tire from flat to about 30psi in under a minute with a regular ball chuck. Plus i can run an impact or charge shocks as well. Im not saying everyone should go out and buy a nitrogen tank to mount on their truck, but having a large cylinder and long hose at camp is definitely handy and it only costs about $60 to refill at welding shops
What beadlocks? That doesn't seem to be very high PSI in my opinion
Raceline monsters. It was a warning label thrown in the box, so you could probably apply the engineering rule of three to it and they're good for up 70 psi or so, but I kinda like the ride at 25.

Bonus- I slapped some old procomp 40s on there, didn't balance anything or add beads or whatnot, and they drive down the road amazingly smooth. Not sure if it's the wheel, the tires, or maybe just the low air pressure, but I was stoked I didn't have to figure out how to balance them.
I use a good ole Amazon 12 v air compressor. Fills up all my tires from around 20 to 40 psi in a few mins. Had it for 3-4 years now still works tits I carry it every time I go to the desert.

Also, Kevin. It’s 2023. None uses pneumatic tools anymore. Get with the times old man. Milwaukee or bust!