KOH clean up Ideas


Feb 15, 2023
Thank you Bad Lines Good Times for brining attention to a problem that’s glaring all of us in the face, and giving us all a place to come up with ideas.

I think dumpsters at all the big spectator areas. Turkey claw, back door and chocolate thunder, would be a good start. Maybe put up with Sons Of Smokey and do a thing where if you bring a bag of trash you get a free shirt? Or some kind of gift
Only problem I see with big dumpsters at the popular spots is everyone is going to bring camp trash and fill them up in no time.
Only problem I see with big dumpsters at the popular spots is everyone is going to bring camp trash and fill them up in no time.
That might now be a bad thing though. I know johnson valley is a pack it in pack it out, but maybe if for KOH, hammer productions in conjunction with some volunteer groups, like sons of Smokey and bad lines good times, rented dumpsters and have people somewhere to put trash. Just maybe it would elevate some of the burden on lazy people.
I imagine the majority of the off-road community frowns on this heavily, I feel like the whole "see something, say something" is a good start. Nobody likes to be called out in front of everyone for being a dirtbag and maybe they'll think twice about it.

Dumpsters as close as possible to back door, chocolate thunder, etc would probably put a bit of a dent in the issue. But still not a fix all.

Incentive to clean seems to be working well. I do like the Glamis Black Bag Project approach. I don't know the guy that operates that but vendors donate to him, and every time someone comes in with a full 50 gal bag of trash they're rewarded with something... whether its a gift card, some swag, whatever.

In the end my hats off to everyone that does volunteer to clean up after every night on the obstacles, I'm always truly impressed on how clean things are the morning after all the shit show. The fact that these desert cleanups are gaining in popularity gives me lots of hope that someday this will get turned around, because awareness does seem to be getting around.

Yea I get that and I'm not trying to call out KOH organizers about it. It's more of what can be done to improve the situation. Throughout the comments on IG you have some great Ideas to just list a few.

-more Trash cans
-Waves clean-ups

Then you have some folks that want to just point the finger or close the event or they make enough money. Blah, Blah, Blah. Everyone likes to go to events like these Ripping Twisted teas with the boys, watching the races, walking through the tech lines
scoping the race cars, checking out the cool swag and eating a corn dog while listening to Sublime oh and lets not forget the ability to clear the chamber Portapotties. Before you head out to the trails to see the shit show. A 2-week long event even with the high cost of $100 ( if you bought ticket at the gate) + $25 camping for RVs you are at $9 bucks a day.

Or shit you couldn't make it out cause work or what ever... that live feed that's pretty damn cool that's even a thing!

It really is a pretty epic feat that these guys pull the whole thing off much respect for the efforts. Do they make money doing it? Hell yea they do, as they should it's a full-time gig for army of people to put something on like this with permits, Insurance, Vendors, Sponsors, Racers, Medical staff, ETC.

The Trash

The problem is Us! The "Spectators" as a whole. My thought process is this. That same guy / gal that's throwing their Modelo can down at KOH is doing the same shit at Glamis or down it Baja etc. So if we can educate and give an incentive maybe, just maybe we can help change some people's mindsets. Maybe they will think twice before just throwing can on the ground in another offroad area.. Are we gunna get everyone... NOPE sure won't! But does that mean worth just saying fuck it, and giving up or let someone else do it? Personally, I say fuck that!

- KOH has Treadlightly on the trail clean-up,not to take anything away from them. Cleaning up after the degens each night and make it look like it didn't happen is not a solution helping educate the people about... Tossing your trash on the ground like you are at the baseball game doesn't work out here. Trashing the trails = closure in the long term.

- You have 65,000 people at an event and for the morning clean ups you have 50 people show up? That's bad marketing right there.
I have to assume people just aren't aware of the clean ups happening. @Cleandezert can get 700 people out to desert.

Again I don't know what the right answer is..... but just sitting back and doing nothing isn't gunna help anything.

Yea I get that and I'm not trying to call out KOH organizers about it. It's more of what can be done to improve the situation. Throughout the comments on IG you have some great Ideas to just list a few.

-more Trash cans
-Waves clean-ups

Then you have some folks that want to just point the finger or close the event or they make enough money. Blah, Blah, Blah. Everyone likes to go to events like these Ripping Twisted teas with the boys, watching the races, walking through the tech lines
scoping the race cars, checking out the cool swag and eating a corn dog while listening to Sublime oh and lets not forget the ability to clear the chamber Portapotties. Before you head out to the trails to see the shit show. A 2-week long event even with the high cost of $100 ( if you bought ticket at the gate) + $25 camping for RVs you are at $9 bucks a day.

Or shit you couldn't make it out cause work or what ever... that live feed that's pretty damn cool that's even a thing!

It really is a pretty epic feat that these guys pull the whole thing off much respect for the efforts. Do they make money doing it? Hell yea they do, as they should it's a full-time gig for army of people to put something on like this with permits, Insurance, Vendors, Sponsors, Racers, Medical staff, ETC.

The Trash

The problem is Us! The "Spectators" as a whole. My thought process is this. That same guy / gal that's throwing their Modelo can down at KOH is doing the same shit at Glamis or down it Baja etc. So if we can educate and give an incentive maybe, just maybe we can help change some people's mindsets. Maybe they will think twice before just throwing can on the ground in another offroad area.. Are we gunna get everyone... NOPE sure won't! But does that mean worth just saying fuck it, and giving up or let someone else do it? Personally, I say fuck that!

- KOH has Treadlightly on the trail clean-up,not to take anything away from them. Cleaning up after the degens each night and make it look like it didn't happen is not a solution helping educate the people about... Tossing your trash on the ground like you are at the baseball game doesn't work out here. Trashing the trails = closure in the long term.

- You have 65,000 people at an event and for the morning clean ups you have 50 people show up? That's bad marketing right there.
I have to assume people just aren't aware of the clean ups happening. @Cleandezert can get 700 people out to desert.

Again I don't know what the right answer is..... but just sitting back and doing nothing isn't gunna help anything.

Well said Elliott.

The see something say something is dangerous though. The several people we called out for there trash, most just told us to fuck off, but one guy wanted to throw down. We just disengaged the situation, moved to a different spot and when they left us and several other patrons picked up what there group left behind.

Like the guys at Loose and lost said on the IG post it’s making that cultural shift the picking up after outsells is cool.

The off road scene is changing, and it’s awesome more people are getting into it and wanted to be in the dirt. As a community we need to make picking up the trash cool.
Elliot and I discussed this topic a decent amount yesterday.

The number one item I have and I can only assume everyone else has out in the desert is Cans. Whether it's a silver bullet or soda pop. I know personally I brought out 2 30 packs for the two weekends I was out there. Gave a bunch away, came home with some, and drank... um some. :ROFLMAO: .

Any thoughts on what it would take to make it 'cool' or 'fun' to collect your cans and others out there?

Any thoughts on what it would take to make it 'cool' or 'fun' to collect your cans and others out there?

At the risk of sounding super lame, when I was younger and just joining dezertrangers, I saw all the cool trip threads the veteran DMC guys were posting, and most people had Trash-a-roos. I thought they were such a cool addition to already cool trucks, and I've always wanted one since. Now that I have a dirt-worthy truck, I'll definitely be getting one.

I gotta say it sucked being at the dunes and watching a stock raptor hit it at mach 3 (super cool to watch), and his friends laugh at all the empty beer cans fly out of the bed. Probably 10-20 cans flew out. I just commented "I hope somebody goes and picks up all that trash" to one of the guys, and he ran over and started picking up cans. It didn't look like anyone was going to do anything until something was said.
Well said Elliott.

The see something say something is dangerous though. The several people we called out for there trash, most just told us to fuck off, but one guy wanted to throw down. We just disengaged the situation, moved to a different spot and when they left us and several other patrons picked up what there group left behind.
Yeah it's a bit of a gamble to say the least. That was probably the best way to handle that situation though. Unfortunately there will be way more negative attention brought to what should be a well deserved ass whoopin on chocolate thunder... than the reason behind it.

I've come to live with the idea that cleaning up after others is a price to pay for use of public lands. The concept of it sucks but like Elliot said, its not us to just let it happen. Take pride in it, and promote the good habits where we can. The success with the clean-ups is that its an awesome excuse for a bunch of like minded people to get together and take care of something we love... at least that's how I see it

Thoughts on BLGT trash-a-roos? I'd buy one
Trash-a-roos are the best and most practical solution. I wrap mine on the tailgate since i dont have a vertical spare tire to attatch it to.

I agree, its already predetermined we WILL pick up after others. But we try to leave which ever place/location better than how we found it, so the next group of people can pass that along. In theory.

This is where i aquired mine. Its well worth the investment. Going on 5 years with it.

i have so many thoughts on all this i could go on all night.
1. KOHH i would ASSUME (i am wrong alot) have in their contract with BLM that they have to return the area to a clean condition, i know most race promoters do, so they go out weeks after the event to tear down and clean. I know for a fact the Mint400 guys have to blade trails and even take out trails that people made that aren't suppose to be there. So while we see a ton of trash, I am pretty sure KOH is getting flack they shouldn't.

2. Like Elliot said, we need to start the revolution, which truthfully has already started. Looking back to 2006-2010 to now... So many companies and people getting involved in cleaning, promoting people coming out and seeing the issues. I think this movement is growing more than we even see. Heck just us having this conversation and people like Elliot getting passionate, that is growth. The exposure that his IG post made is growing and probably made a group of people see something they didn't see last week. That is trending the right way.

3. How do we address KOH specifically? More dumpsters. like way more dumpsters. More trash cans. And promotion. Heck something as simple as giving out a Treadlightly, Clean-Dezert, Sak-it shirt to everyone who paid $100 to get in.... The exposure of seeing that in your face at Chocolate thunder at night will give people thought to clean up. You are right you can't tell idiots what to do (nobody likes being told they are doing something wrong)..... but if it's their idea... well they just need to be swayed in the right way. Maybe pay some people to walk up and down the hill and just hand out cool stuff to promote keeping our areas clean. Most people will be receptive especially if addressed correctly and in a positive manner. Policing doesn't work, but making it cool will.
If someone setup a spot to collect cans and PAID people for them, even less than in town pays people will keep the cans and go get some money back for them.

And I agree if they had a couple dumpsters and gave everyone who paid for coming in a trash bag and said we have dumpsters for your 1 trash bag and give them a orange or some colored trash bag so people won't just dump their camp trash so they don't have to haul it home. That's one issue with dumpsters at KOH is the amount of people who would just use it for their personal camp instead of taking the trash back in motorhome or trailer with them. Even if they had 5 dumpsters they would get filled up but i'm sure it would be 95% trash from camps and pits, not out at the trails.
At the risk of sounding super lame, when I was younger and just joining dezertrangers, I saw all the cool trip threads the veteran DMC guys were posting, and most people had Trash-a-roos. I thought they were such a cool addition to already cool trucks, and I've always wanted one since. Now that I have a dirt-worthy truck, I'll definitely be getting one.

I gotta say it sucked being at the dunes and watching a stock raptor hit it at mach 3 (super cool to watch), and his friends laugh at all the empty beer cans fly out of the bed. Probably 10-20 cans flew out. I just commented "I hope somebody goes and picks up all that trash" to one of the guys, and he ran over and started picking up cans. It didn't look like anyone was going to do anything until something was said.

Putting my money where my mouth is! This showed up yesterday.

Bump... Any new thoughts on this?

For KOH 2024

Not 100% what our ( BLGT ) involvement is just yet but we are working with SOS/ Gambler 500 peeps to come up with a new program for the Trash debacle... Wanted to see if any of you beauties would want to help?

Chime in

I am not 100% sure I will make KOH this year. After going last year, I am not sure that event is really for me.

That should probably explain why. The beginning of the year is busy for me with vacations, work, and getting prepped for President's day clean-up in Ocotillo. I will have to say the night shenanigans aren't really my style anymore. Liked hanging out with friends, but the crowds out there and missing work and coming back sick, is difficult.
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I'm gonna go watch the desert race at Koh this year. Don't care to travel into hammertown for the night time stuff this year.