BLGT Clean Up Pre-run Oct 21st Barstow


Apr 4, 2022
Thousand Oaks, CA
Howdy peeps we need your help!

In preparation for the Clean-dezert clean-up Nov 11th.

We are going scout out the areas that need the most help as far as trash clean up.

The game plan would be to get out there either Friday night after work or drive out early Saturday am...

Game plan:

- Break up into small groups of 2 or 3 trucks.
- Spread out in different directions to cover as much ground as possible
- Mark the location of the trash using the Son Of Smokey App. Put a brief description and even snap photos,
- Unmark trash that was picked up last year.
- Have fun driving trucks in the desert
- Finish off with a little Barstow Del

Who is down?

This was last year's Pre-run
Cant make it to the prerun next weekend. But I can make it in Nov. Down for a day trip depending on activities.
If anyone is wondering what the prerun is all about... it's pretty fun.

Basically a reason to explore those random roads you never drive down because you are always going somewhere. This trip is about going down every random dirt road you find.

I'm ready to go but I don't have a ride in the dirt. I can get to and from Barstow since i'm only 45 min away. I'll buy whoever drives me around all day Del Taco afterwards AND i'll be taking photos and marking the trash as we move so we can cover more ground too. I rode with Elliott last year and it was a great time.
not 100% sure who is riding with me or not, but I gots 4 seats and a slow truck. Do with that as you wish.
What time are you guys thinking?
probably 9ish

We'll be camped there Friday night
I'm ready to go but I don't have a ride in the dirt. I can get to and from Barstow since i'm only 45 min away. I'll buy whoever drives me around all day Del Taco afterwards AND i'll be taking photos and marking the trash as we move so we can cover more ground too. I rode with Elliott last year and it was a great time.

Yea, buddy that was good times.

Sorry dude this year bring the little man out to Co-dog with me...
make sure you ride on the front. ur head will hit the roof in the backseat. ask me how I know. but it is a fun ride listening to Hansen and laughing the entire time.

That would require him to drive faster than 5 mph. Also he has new rear leafs and I've been told they ride much better.