02 Montery Dakar build / final stages

i love chatbot and arduino so i was thinking of PWM controlling the power pump by an encoder on the steering shaft and see what i can do

#include <Arduino.h>

// Define the pin connected to the encoder
const int encoderPin = 2; // Using digital pin 2 for the encoder input
volatile int pulseCount = 0; // This variable will increase in the ISR

// PWM output pin
const int pwmPin = 9; // Using digital pin 9 for PWM output

// Time tracking
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
unsigned long currentTime = 0;

void setup() {
  // Initialize the encoder pin as an input
  pinMode(encoderPin, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(encoderPin), countPulse, RISING); // Trigger on rising edge
  // Initialize the PWM output pin
  pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT);

  // Setup serial communication

void loop() {
  currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime - lastTime >= 1000) { // Calculate rate every second
    int rate = pulseCount; // Pulses per second
    // Map the pulse rate to PWM output
    int pwmValue = map(rate, 5, 100, 64, 255); // Mapping 5 pulses/sec to 25% (64/255) and 100 pulses/sec to 100% (255/255)
    analogWrite(pwmPin, pwmValue);
    // Output rate and PWM for monitoring
    Serial.print("Rate: ");
    Serial.print(" pulses/sec, PWM: ");

    // Reset pulse count and lastTime for the next second
    pulseCount = 0;
    lastTime = currentTime;

void countPulse() {
as of now, i am definitely adding in the CAN control of this to get full power. the activate wire is some sort of limp/minimal mode and kinda lacking!
i got an Arduino DUE in bound as it has CAN onboard
looks like i should be able to input a GPS antennae and controller to have the pump be vehicle speed driven from low to full power
this guy makes one but the teach a man to fish thing compels me to build my own

man, this power steering pump is got me kinda low
in its limp mode i think it is pretty low powered. the wheel has a very lag/resistive feeling to it if you try and turn at any normal speed. once moving THEN the power comes on....

i have an arduino i have controlled it with some and dont think i have yet to see full power
everyone is saying 60-70 amp. i feel it is running maybe 10-20 amp at best. wont even hear it bog the engine at idle while steering
finally got the Monty safe enough to hit the slower roads in town
drives very sluggish for some reason, but with enough torque to zip down the road
the turbo makes noise but no boost! how is that even possible?
i think i am going to take off the muffler and see if it runs different better
it will rev up fine :unsure:

i really dislike the electric steering pump so far.
if i was flush with cash i would buy a new one over this used ebay one, but it sounds good while running so i will try some more with it
i really want to get a pressure gauge on the line to see what the hell it is putting out and how laggy it is too

anyways..... the fun thing was at the scales. this thick little girl with all the trimmings is 4350#
front 2150
rear 2200

drives nice and straight and very quite on all the bumps!
i stalled it up some in first gear and it slides the front tires. lol
the spool with the 37"s are very much in charge of the front tires
about time to make the rear cushion and back rest
also need a mans heat shield between the turbine and fuel line!

transmission and paddle shifter is working perfect.... other than a slight flare when down shifting into first gear. i just need to downshift just before stopping