Ugly Little Truck

I just don't have it in me. My silverado passenger side is side-swiped and trashed. I still won't lean over the side of the truck with a zip up because I don't want the zipper scratching it even more. Just not in my nature.
Sorry about that! This will be a way better rescue rig for the next time I break down and get stuck in Rusty Red!

I have zero doubt you will make this way nicer, still have fun with it and not go full raisin.
Heard it start for the first time tonight! Pops gave it carb cleaner directly into the intake boot while I cranked it. Wouldn’t stay running, so I picked up a new fuel filter, and am gonna drain the old fuel in the next day or so, then run some new fuel through. Hopefully it doesn’t need a fuel pump
Haven't been messing with it much. It was intermittently losing power, so I cleaned up the many contacts going from the battery to the fuse block and it's starting up reliably now and idling. Still has a pretty heavy stumble I haven't figured out yet, but I drove it for the first time up the street yesterday so I could flip it around to make wrenching on the engine easier.


If I had to offer any Armchair Diag advice, the TPS units on these go out and cause a gnarly stumble, but luckily still available new from Toyota. Bad fuel pressure regulator and pulsation dampers can cause it to fall on it's face too.
If I had to offer any Armchair Diag advice, the TPS units on these go out and cause a gnarly stumble, but luckily still available new from Toyota. Bad fuel pressure regulator and pulsation dampers can cause it to fall on it's face too.

I am going to have to agree with you that something is screwy with mine. I noticed yesterday the bar that pushes on that plunger is spaced quite a bit away at all times.

His index finger is basically pointing at it. Looking at it now, it appears the plunger is supposed to be held onto that rotating piece with a nut. Mine definitely doesn't have that...

This gives me somewhere to start! Thanks!
Put new injectors in and still running like butthole. Pops came over with the compression tester and cyl 1 has none. Most likely just going to do a head job as money is tight right now and 3.4s are not cheap.
Started working on it. Chopped off the front bumper and sold it, hacked away the winch mount off the frame cross member, so now I get to plate that back in, pulled the coilovers and sliced off the engine cage, and started removing the engine accessories. After talking with Mikey I decided to just order new heads from Rockauto, so when I return from the great white north (Ohio) after Christmas, I'll get them installed.

Got it sitting at full bump. I have to say that it's awesome having it so low and wide open to work on. It's definitely weird that this is only as high as full bump is on a SAS rig lol.



If anyone has a lead on the entire front clip for a 4x4 truck (hood, fenders, grille, headlights, core support) slide in my DMs
My dad came over Saturday and we spent the day tearing down the top end and reinstalling the new heads with ARP studs. Not too bad of a job with all the body panels gone lol.



Found a piece of plastic stuck to the intake valve. Looks like a piece of plastic from the oem injector? Anyways, this is what caused the 0PSI on the compression check. Also, water jackets have seen better days.


Driver's head appears to have a crack between the valves

New water pump and radiator come in this week, so I'll work on getting it buttoned back up as parts come in.
I would hang it all on tube while you can. Easy to do if you buy a repop header panel and it will stay together without cracking for longer. the second version of my truck had that once the stock stuff tore itself up.