Tin Foil Hat Thread- Conspiracies, BIGFOOT, Aliens, and The Supernatural, etc

I’m sure most here have seen it, but if you haven’t watched the “Weaponization of the Federal Government” hearings with Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, it’s a good watch.
Frickin Lasers in Hawaii?


Something that happened back in July 2024 while we were on the Rubicon that was pretty strange.

Warren Elliot ( 70 years old) went missing without out a trace for 6 days they found him 7 miles away from the top of Cadillac Hill all the way at Hell Hole reservoir.

Thankfully, a fisherman in boat found him alive. The guy was doing trail work with Jeepers Jamboree to get ready for their event that was the following week. On our way out up Cadillac it was bumper to bumper traffic for a few hours I got out at once point and went up to Green Jeep that was towing a cement mixer. I asked if he had any idea what was going on. He says ( roughly ) "I know a lot about what was going on my friend Warren went missing 2 days ago doing trail work. He's been coming out here the last 50+ years know this area like the back of his hand. He was with the group one minute last seen seeing on a rock taking a break eating an apple at the top of Observation Point. His son came back to the Jeeps near the rock and spot found his dads cowboy hat and a cold beer in the passenger seat." They had national guard on the ground and Heli looking all night Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Search and rescue teams with dogs looking all over and couldn't find anything. Anyway the found him he was okay shaken up, tired and hungry. I know people get lost in the woods, it's easy to get turned around. etc.

few photos



some weird coincidences to the missing 411 stuff

-gone without a trace
-weird weather ( Monsoon type rain with thunder lighting)
-granite slabs

Probably reading into it too much but seem pretty odd for a dude that knew the area to just vanish for 6 day and end up 7 miles away in the when you have a giant helicopter flying over the whole zone calling your name on the loud speaker. Either way glad they found him alive.


i remember hearing about that. Makes you wonder how you sit somewhere and then get lost. Like how far are you walking and why are you walking that far for you to not remember your way back.... but with that said, how old was he? and maybe health issues play a fact in that? Glad they found him, would be horrible to be out there alone, lost and scared.
i remember hearing about that. Makes you wonder how you sit somewhere and then get lost. Like how far are you walking and why are you walking that far for you to not remember your way back.... but with that said, how old was he? and maybe health issues play a fact in that? Glad they found him, would be horrible to be out there alone, lost and scared.
70 years old 👀
i will add a strange to me story..

2 weeks ago my wife got us tickets to see david spade at the irvine improv... we went to dinner at a bbq place, and then walked over to the show. Sat for about 45 min waiting for the show to start where she had a drink. 5 min before the show was set to start, she got up to use the restroom. a minute later the lady next to me taps my shoulder and says, the lady you are with is on the floor.

I get up and walk over and she passed out while walking to the restroom and bounced her face off a table on the way down. She woke up for a minute and then passed back out. Rushed to ER by paramedics and spent the next 6 hours getting tests. All came back perfectly normal.... So no idea what caused it, but that made for an exciting night.

PS. still bummed i didnt get to see david spade.
i will add a strange to me story..

2 weeks ago my wife got us tickets to see david spade at the irvine improv... we went to dinner at a bbq place, and then walked over to the show. Sat for about 45 min waiting for the show to start where she had a drink. 5 min before the show was set to start, she got up to use the restroom. a minute later the lady next to me taps my shoulder and says, the lady you are with is on the floor.

I get up and walk over and she passed out while walking to the restroom and bounced her face off a table on the way down. She woke up for a minute and then passed back out. Rushed to ER by paramedics and spent the next 6 hours getting tests. All came back perfectly normal.... So no idea what caused it, but that made for an exciting night.

PS. still bummed i didnt get to see david spade.
oh shit is she okay?