The Grand Tracker (Retard TT)

Sorry diff sold. And you got 2 tables for the price of 1 already. So you buy one get 1 free know the tables.
Yes but i have like 10 other projects before that one is even considered to be started. Need to do my tt motorsports race tundra kit and tundra/sequoia parts design on that thing before i really chop it up for my personal adventure rig project. Plus I need @Motiracer38 to finish design the rear cantilever setup so I can steal that design for myself. Lol
Yrah within an hour and guy paid 100 more than asking price. He's picking it up tomorrow morning st 7am he said too. I had 3 front ends and sold all of them yesterday within a couple of hours of posting on IG.
Added some limit straps to the front. New hood pins in place. Changed tunes in the computer


Truck got a new a/c compressor, new thermoststs, alignment, engine coolant lines, new fuel lines (on engine side), valley turbo wastegate fixed and its ready


Flatbed trailer got 6 new tires (2 spares) and trailer brakes fixed

And then switched out 6 tires for the race golfcart. Figured out a decent system and had them all done in about 2 hours. Fuckin still sucks ass though. These tensors dont like to bust off the back of method wheels. Nice having a tire machine though


Pretty much ready for koh. Im fuckin whooped
Can you drive in the 2 tracks out there? I spend my time driving just outside of either side of it where the trophy trucks have dug in, or my skid plate continuously connects to the ridge center like I'm on a jack hammer feeling monorail.
Can you drive in the 2 tracks out there? I spend my time driving just outside of either side of it where the trophy trucks have dug in, or my skid plate continuously connects to the ridge center like I'm on a jack hammer feeling monorail.

I have no issue till the ruts get real deep, then i plow like hell. I expected way worse but the clearance i had on ifs was way less than i have with beams. There was only a couple areas we had to straddle slightly. Barstow around the entrance to the ohv area there is some deep as shit ruts and i drug like hell through there but so far the race courses have not been that bad
Saw this thing on the trailer today on your way out of hammertown, such a cool little rig.