Security for your trucks


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
Seems like alot of vehicles are being stolen these days. I have always worried about this, but luckily never had an issue. I just saw a post about a guy i know whos truck was stolen, and it got me thinking. I have a few vehicles now, and would be devistated if they were stolen. What do you do to try and keep your vehicles safe?

My offroad truck and hot rod both get parked in the garage, but IF the offroad truck is parked in the driveway over night, i trip the circuit breakers to the battery and remove the steering wheel. I just bought air tags today i plan on putting in all my trucks.
The fuel filter I installed has a shutoff valve on it. I am considering running a cable to actuate it.

I like the pop the breaker trick, that's smart.

The dash setup I am building uses a raspberry pi so I could do a gps tracker on that if I wanted. I may play with that later.

Someone attempted to steal mine a few years ago and luckily failed, but now I have a hidden kill switch wired to the factory inertia switch. I also have Trackmate GPS in it now which is really cheap and shows me where the truck is located on their app, and also notifies me whenever the ignition is turned on and off.
Seems like alot of vehicles are being stolen these days. I have always worried about this, but luckily never had an issue. I just saw a post about a guy i know whos truck was stolen, and it got me thinking. I have a few vehicles now, and would be devistated if they were stolen. What do you do to try and keep your vehicles safe?

My offroad truck and hot rod both get parked in the garage, but IF the offroad truck is parked in the driveway over night, i trip the circuit breakers to the battery and remove the steering wheel. I just bought air tags today i plan on putting in all my trucks.
On my crawler- Security through obscurity. The previous owner wanted switches for E V E R Y T H I N G, and I've been too lazy to clean up the wiring. The dash looks like this:

There are at least 3 switches you need to flip to start my junk. One of them is a 3 way toggle switch and only 1 of the 3 positions will work(yes, the PO wired it like that on purpose).

One night drinking around the campfire, I challenged a bunch of my buddies to try and start it in 15 minutes or less- first one to do it gets $100 and I handed them the key. I kept the $100. One got close enough that I heard the motor crank. Alas- he never found the fuel pump switch.
The fuel filter I installed has a shutoff valve on it. I am considering running a cable to actuate it.

I like the pop the breaker trick, that's smart.

The dash setup I am building uses a raspberry pi so I could do a gps tracker on that if I wanted. I may play with that later.

Fuel filter shutoff valve👍👍 I’m stealing that one 🤘
I remove the steering wheel and keep it in my house. My truck lives in my driveway, so I keep it under a cover 100% of the time. I think the cover makes the truck far less noticeable and is an extra step someone would have to take to steal it. They would have to know exactly what’s under it to think about stealing it, then would encounter the lack of steering wheel. My Cadi is far more likely to get stolen given all the side show dick heads out there, so it lives in the garage.
As for why you remove the speaker. When someone leaves with your air tagged item the air tag will alert their phone that they have someone’s air tag with them. And they have the option to sound an alarm on the air tag to locate it.
It’s a security feature that they did incase someone put an air tag say, in a purse with the intent to follow them home
As for why you remove the speaker. When someone leaves with your air tagged item the air tag will alert their phone that they have someone’s air tag with them. And they have the option to sound an alarm on the air tag to locate it.
It’s a security feature that they did incase someone put an air tag say, in a purse with the intent to follow them home
well that is lame... but good looking out, i had no idea. i removed them already, pretty easy to do
I plan to order some air tags as well. My brother has one on his TRX (whos a worry wort because I guess they are easy to steal). When we were at that last Terra Crew event we had to park in the dirt outside of the property and he'd periodically check its location on his phone for some assurance. pretty cool idea.
I plan to order some air tags as well. My brother has one on his TRX (whos a worry wort because I guess they are easy to steal). When we were at that last Terra Crew event we had to park in the dirt outside of the property and he'd periodically check its location on his phone for some assurance. pretty cool idea.
Id look into a better GPS/killswitch situation for that trx. Theres alot of good options out there.

My brother in law got his trx stolen out of his driveway in HB a month ago. 4-5 others have been stolen from huntington in the past few months. Extremely easy to steal with the right device and software.
Id look into a better GPS/killswitch situation for that trx. Theres alot of good options out there.

My brother in law got his trx stolen out of his driveway in HB a month ago. 4-5 others have been stolen from huntington in the past few months. Extremely easy to steal with the right device and software.

That's gnarly. Did he ever get his truck back? Fortunately for my brother its parked in the garage every night, but when he does drive it anywhere he puts "the club" on the steering wheel lol. I didn't even know they still made them.
air tags could be fine when around a cell signal. but in remote place like baja and many places in the states not so good.
there are others.

one thing i use especially in baja is master lock cable locks. i have like 6 all keyed the same. i put them through the wheels and around the suspension on my trailer, my truck and tow vehicle depending where i am. in baja at night all 4 wheels are cabled and if close to others in our group, connect the trucks together.
There’s a guy in one of the FB off-road recovery groups that has been tracking his stolen TRX for months via some sort of Sirius tracking. Things been out in the middle of the Mojave. All the details it shows him is pretty cool
tracking it but not going to get it? or did he get paid out and now dgafs?