Mojave Rd. trip plan

the bodj

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2022
Simi Valley, CA
Hey guys, thinking of doing a Mojave Rd trip for whatever dates work. The blooms should be great with all the rain we've had this year.
I've only done the trip once and it was for a quick weekend for @the_fablab_ 's bachelor party, so we didn't make many stops. I'd like to do it and see as many cool things as we can, so I'm thinking to have 3-4 days set aside. Anyone interested?

My spring break is from March 19th-25th if anyone wants to do a mid week thing?
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I literally put out a trip notice to my friends about doing this trail in April. Let me see if I can lock down this date and I’ll let you know.
I'm down. I'll bring whatever runs so no guarantee to rate of speed. I want to go up Macedonia cyn, haven't been there in years and a 10ft tall Bronco keeps us from going under the RR track most the time. There's a neat mine at the top.
Slow af Raptors welcome?
of course they are. that trail is fun fast and staying over night at the casinos are fun. but this trail at that time of year is way to dangerous fast. all the stops are cool. the super bloom will be nice. but i am sure there will be many amazon vans all over.
Soda Lake gets closed with a little bit of rain. It tunrs into a muddy swampy mess. Plus the tire scars from people trying to find their own way never really go away.

The other parts being closed are probably from that week of rain SoCal had. They've finally had time to repair the big wash outs.