BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend

Decided Sunday night to make this happen and see the boys! Hadn't planned on it originally since my daughter's first B-day is the following week so was gonna prep for that, and we just did a 2700 mi trip to WA this summer. My fam and travel trailer will stay home but I'll bring the Super Duty and cruise around. If I can catch a ride with someone for go-fast runs, great. If not, I'll either bring up the rear or hold down the camp. Will bring my hard tail MTB that IDK how to ride... probably also bringing Stevey/Wally out (hide yo coolers, hide yo wives).

Thanks, Ryan for all the intel! Read this whole thread last night. Time to prep...

1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Sixthelement
9. Supra 4x4
10. Dmctacoma/bmetcho
11. Coot83
12. Go4brokeracing
13. Azfittin
14. Txmade
15. Az prerunner videos
16. Wht_bowtie_guy
17. Radonoah
18. Ethanhill
19. Ryan schu
20. Juan50juanrum
21. Motiracer38
22. DirtmileDave
23. 01silversender
24. Brrrruhrunner06
25. midget nate
26. 84ProjectFord
27. azWillis
28. Wyatt.combs plus a few other flag guys
29. capt.hodges

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Definitely gonna be a handful of stock and less capable vehicles out for the big group rides. So for those I plan on taking a leisurely pace and just stop at a few spots along the way to let the fast guys have some fun/jump and what not. Depending on what’s going on I may have an open seat as I expect for the big rides my wife will drive her 4runner and pack that full of wives/gf’s and what not
Fresh T's

$20 bucks for hats and shirts

Those that aren't on Instagram, GPS coordinates are.......

GPS coordinates:
35.3379591, -111.5138812

Plus code:
8FQP+5CQ Flagstaff, Arizona
Thanks for that. If no one crowds the spot in the next 16hrs then it will be very easy to find. Spot is huge and should be able to accommodate everyone. Nice and flat-ish as well.