BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend

1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Juan50JuanRum
9. Motiracer38

I'll be there in my Jeep wishing I had my truck back together. No MTB for me, that sounds like too much work on a vacation.
1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Juan50JuanRum
9. Motiracer38

1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Juan50JuanRum
9. Motiracer38

Guess I'll come out of retirement for ya'll, still debating about dragging the golfcart up the hill
1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Juan50JuanRum
9. Motiracer38

Guess I'll come out of retirement for ya'll, still debating about dragging the golfcart up the hill

ohhhh shit! even made his first forum post... i'm tearing up...
This is shaping up to be a proper hoe-down.
looks like we should have good weather.just a FYI for all the out of state people. yes it's AZ but it will be cold at night.
1. Snowsk8air2
2. dwphoto
3. Theycallmewally
4. vcyota92
5. Fab Lab
6. Sdecurti
7. UrMawm69
8. Juan50JuanRum
9. Motiracer38

Just wrapped up a prep on the truck ready to make the drive out! Gonna be sick
looks like we should have good weather.just a FYI for all the out of state people. yes it's AZ but it will be cold at night.
Yes, I was just checking the weather. Looks like 70-75 for the hi and around 50 for the overnight lows. It’s AZ but flagstaff is at 7k ft elevation so for you Cali guys that’s higher than the town of Mammoth. Also it is monsoon season. While it has been light rains we have been getting pretty consistent rain each day for an hour or so.
Not 100% sure we will be directly in camp with you all but midget Nate, me and my buddy from Tucson will be there. Probably a couple other buddies as well.

Nate will have his canned ham “pretend race car”, I’ll have my rail and my buddy will have his rzr.


I should do a build thread on this at some point.
If youre goin up from Phoenix plan on a 4-5hr trip home. Just got back last night from Colorado took us over 4hrs to get from Flag to the 303.
hopefully its not too bad with a lot of people having monday off too. im coming back saturday night so hoping its not too screwed up.
samsiesssssssssss. well, maybe we won't get out of there sunday too early but, who knows.
from PHX...... what are you thinking to get up there at 5/6am?
yeah 6-7am. figured if no ones up and around by then id go do some suspension testing, all new springs and valving on the g cart. no real run time yet.
Getting pretty stoked for this ! Motorhome is mostly loaded, Need to do a quick nut and bolt on the 4runner.

Going to be bringing some hats and shirts with us.

"Cinders Special" $20 shirts and Hats

I've got a few of these left


and some freshies only like 10 or so