2023 OFF-ROAD EXPO POMONA, CA 9/30-10/1

I’ll be there someplace near MarcyTechs booth since I’m also going to have a small space with the Terra Crew guys. My truck will (hopefully) be there in typical soapbox derby fashion, and I’ll have some small billet limit strap brackets for sale as well! Come say hi and give me a high five
I bought my ticket and will be going Sunday. See everyone there.
Just made this for my truck at the expo, If anyone else wants one made let me know! I can bring them to the Expo for you to put on display.

Scan QR Code it will link back to your build thread on here.

I'll be there Sunday morning. If anyone wants a jack skid I'll be able to bring them for Swapmeet cash pickup pricing of $100 each so fave $25+tax on them