Okay got some work done,
Starting with the fuel tank, currently I'm using the LMC spacers to install the larger tank, I definitely have something better in mind for this.
For the lower chafe protection I used VHB tabe, this stuff always works good:
I sprayed the rear axle with some rubberized POR, I like how it came out.

I did a quick adjustment on the rear bumps by removing the top out spring and replacing it with a spacer to convert the bump from a 4" stroke to a about a 3" stroke.
Shocks and axle bolted in:

Still need quite a bit of hardware adjustments
The overload springs turned into limit straps, I knew this was gonna happen but needed everything assembled to figure out what length shackle to make.
Travel looks promising with the oem 1g shock, maybe I can switch to a 2g or bolt in raptor upgrade later.

Gotta have the bling strike plate!

For this truck, it's a manual transmission, so I NEED a parking brake, I installed a lugnut4x4 rear disc conversion for the D60 with the catty calipers. I hate the long passenger side cable that crosses over the axle... so I am using 2 driver side cables and a bar to pull both sides equally, you can pretty much see what im planning to do here:

Most of the rear stuff on, save for some missing hardware here and there;