As the 30 proof ( my group ) and the 50 Proof coursed merged there were a few other riders that joined the fray. I end up chatting with a dude a little bit that was running the 50 proof. He was on a XC full suspension and was a unit. He'd start to drop me on some of the climbs, then I'd reel him in on the Downhill sections. At one point we hit a group of riders that were trying to work our way though. and my guy went OTB ! Dude just popped up got back on the pedals and took off. I was right there like

you good bud ? he's like I'm fine. a few miles later I notice his forearm had blood all down it into the glove. Again was like dude you good? "I'm good enough."
Rode probably 15 ish miles or so. Was kinda nice to take the focus off the "race" We passed quite a few folks and then also got sawed off by some faster guys. I ended up pulling off for a few of the 50 proof guys to pass me and I think he dropped the hammer to stay in the pack with them...
a few photos from mid ride
Looking at my watch. I could see i was about 22 miles in 2800 ft or so of climbing or so and should be seeing the squad cheering somewhere along the trail. Metcho told me he thought it was mile 20-22 ish.. They were tracking me with the find my phone feature to see my progress, I randomly reach back in my bib pocket where I had a snack bar and my phone and only the bar was there..

phone had left the chat! FACK! I had a minor freak out in my head and then was like welp nothing I can do about it right now...
As I was riding I started thinking hopefully Kayla ( my wife ) in worried that I'm not moving, etc. a few miles down the trail I came up to another Aid station with water and food.... Continued on the gas no stops! Rounded the turn and hear Goooooo Elliott! kids jumping up and down cow bell. I smiled and yelled to them that I lost my phone. Now it was go time! Was a nice little boost 24 miles in my watch told me I was at 3200 ft of climbing. It was all downhill from here or so I thought.
Mile 27 my watch was now showing me 4200ft of climbing... dying inside and starting to cramp up in my quads. I let a few folks go by on a climb. I could hear some locals cheering people. They had shots of whiskey, water and pickles as I rode by all the mini solo cups of whiskey I pointed at the pickle one dude was holding... Somehow completely fumble it he like don't worry brother we got you. He hands me another and I was on my way with a Kosher Dill in one hand and the handlebars in the other... Pickles are supposed help with cramping... and well it worked. I hit the final decent on the gas still..Then on to the road decent, pedaling as fast as I could in 12th gear got passed by a pack of 10 older xc dudes. They passed me like I was standing still. Was humbling to say the least.
Full kill back to the finish. Dying inside but still cranking!
Total time was 3:19:13
Ended up 192 out of 897 that raced the 30 Proof
and 67th out of 289 in the Men's Open Class
First place in the class beat me by 1 hr and 2 mins! Which is insane! Considering other than pulling off to let people pass me. I did not stop at all! Super humbling. Love it!