Toyota HD Carrier Bearing


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2022
Does anybody have insight into heavy duty Toyota carrier bearings? I'm using a Tacoma stock replacement now but with the dual cardan joint it runs a real shallow angle and even a brand new one will start wagging around feeling like wheel hop. Mine is mounted on two tabs with plenty of clearance so anything with a 30mm bearing should work, including Ranger. So far I've found Inland Driveline polyurethane, Hendrix aluminum with poly mounts, and Bruno Fab aluminum with poly mounts. Any others I should consider?
Does anybody have insight into heavy duty Toyota carrier bearings? I'm using a Tacoma stock replacement now but with the dual cardan joint it runs a real shallow angle and even a brand new one will start wagging around feeling like wheel hop. Mine is mounted on two tabs with plenty of clearance so anything with a 30mm bearing should work, including Ranger. So far I've found Inland Driveline polyurethane, Hendrix aluminum with poly mounts, and Bruno Fab aluminum with poly mounts. Any others I should consider?
I know @Mullen has a solid carrier bearing on his tundra. I think he likes it
I used the Hendrix one from Poly Performance on my 99 Tacoma with Deaver H70’s. I used the stock crossmember and driveshaft but mounted it a little lower to help with driveline angles. No complaints so far, works good.
Unfortunately it looks like Hendrix is not in business anymore. The options are only getting thinner
March 1, 2021:

I suck at updates, but in case anyone cares...

I finished the front end prep in November. Quick recap on the prep: new FK uniballs for the uppers, all new Total Chaos bushings including the rack, rebuilt the coil overs and bumps with Fox blue oil, new hoses and fittings for the reservoirs, new King coils (3.0x16" - 600 lb), fresh Amsoil fluid in the rear end, Bruno Fab billet carrier bearing, rebuilt the drive shaft with Moog u-joints. It was so nice to have a truck free of squeaks.

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Not bad for 4 years of abuse.
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I took the truck out the weekend of 12/05/20. Jeff came out as well. It was a good time, but was cut short since the people parked near us were dicks and ran around in their SXS all night, blasting mariachi until 7am. I was beat and headed home Saturday evening. Fuckers. Dirt miles: 30.

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Looks like he didn't use a Hendrix
Brian and I have been going back and forth on IG, but I figure I'd post here as well.

I had previous tried to test fit Jeff's (@DP_Tundra) driveline with the Bruno mount on my truck when he was having vibration issues (I had already bought the Bruno mount as well, just hadn't installed it). We couldn't get it to line up on my truck, so we swapped my driveline with a Spicer bearing into his truck and the vibration went away. Even with that, we thought that his issues may have come from an unbalanced driveshaft as prior to the Bruno mount he would blow carrier bearings every trip. I think he ultimately went back to a Spicer.

Fast forward to my installation. My Bruno mount didn't want to line up and I had to impact the bolts in as I couldn't even get them started by hand. I was being lazy, but figured I was going to have to cut the stock welded nuts off and go with a thru-bolt, so might as well try the lazy method first. It worked fine and I have ran it without any failures. While it was louder than stock, it wasn't intrusive.

I put the truck down to cage it and found that the carrier bearing mount was bent rearward about 0.75". I had ran the truck with the driveline prior to the Bruno mount for 5 years without issue, so I figured it was something with the bearing. I straightened the mount and gusseted it. After I got the truck back together with the gusseted mount and Bruno bearing, the noise and vibration increased exponentially - Jeff's truck is also caged and his stock mount is also gusseted, for what it's worth.

At this point the carrier bearing is far less tolerable than the clicking bypasses through the cage. I basically need headsets to talk to passengers while driving on the street. I will likely source another option or possibly go back to the Spicer.

Upon some research when chatting with Brian, I found this thread:…-alternatives-and-solutions.419706/

I remember someone on DR posting a similar looking yellow bearing. Since Toyota is awesome and likes to have similar parts for all its trucks, I figure the Tacoma / Ranger bearing may work. It's worth some further research.
Landon recommends running the Inland Empire one. Part #211590-1XS

I dont remember if this is Landon’s truck or if not, but it’s a picture he sent me. You can run this bearing on Toyota shaft, just have to make some sort of mount.
Shit the picture is too large. I don’t know how to resize pics but you know what a carrier bearing mount looks like
That is the one I bought. Bruno was out of stock, Hendrix isn't making them right now, and the Inland Empire one had free shipping on summit and the poly looks promising. It fits the driveshaft but the seals won't seal up which hopefully isn't that big of a deal. Still need to mount it up but it should work out
Hope it works out. That’s what Landon @landonmcq on ig has been running for years
I have the Brunofab one I’ll sell ya if you want to try it out. I think I put maybe 20 miles on it, looks brand new.