Cars and coffee is a pavement pounding car meet at the Firestone parking lot by the TO mall. Cruise by!Hmmm April 1st? I’m gonna be pavement pounding her as I knock off little things for a bit here.
I totally would have but I work every other Saturday and of course it was this Saturday. I hit the Ventura Cars and Coffee last Sunday and was pretty cool. Only off-road vehicle there… I’m down for T.O. As I live in Cam.Cars and coffee is a pavement pounding car meet at the Firestone parking lot by the TO mall. Cruise by!
I did, yes.did you make those mirrors? tings are sick
Mirror mounting holes are all thats left.can you make me a pair? name your price haha
Thanks man! Super stokedMirror mounting holes are all thats left.
(Some are off set, and some center)*
Always love a score!This weekend i picked up a (new to me) welder for $200. 220v Millermatic 185.