KOH Trip Report!
Been searching for a limited grill for a while without any luck… was driving through Landers and spotted a beat up limited 1st gen sitting in some guys yard. The stars aligned and he sold it to me for $40! Got to camp and put it on before unloading a single thing lol. so stoked
Stayed local on thursday. Went to chocolate thunder and backdoor
Friday we took off to Giant rock. The whoops around hammertown are no joke but we were able to find an immaculate wash and ride it most of the way.
Less than a mile away from camp and my front spring ejected itself. didn’t feel like getting the jack out so 14 of us just pushed the side of my truck and I slid the spring right back in lol. Time for limit straps I guess. Still ripped it all night and made it out to the Sand dune
Saturday we booger welded some scrap metal to the coil bucket to hold the spring in.
Did some spectating and then shot out to the sand hill. I tried the main jump, but couldn’t even get off the ground haha. The damn 4.0 and stock gearing is gutless. Made my own jump on a different dune and got some airtime
I added an additional trans cooler last week in series with the stock one to help keep the transmission cool. The trip I made in January to the dunes I saw temps reach 240°. this trip I didn’t see anything over 170°. Super impressed with that.
The gun case/toolbox worked fucking awesome. Came in handy so often; definitely recommend. my cooler is huge and I never have it completely full so everything bounces around a ton inside. Probably going to downsize
Overall was a perfect trip. Being that I live so far away from JV, I made every minute count. We were out driving until around 3 AM every night. I brought my smudge pot but didn’t even light it once because we were never just sitting around at camp. 130 dirt miles total