Absolutely wild ride last night. Went out with a local off-road group. Mostly all crawler builds except a newer f150 and tundra… and my stock looking explorer

Probably 20+ rigs total
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Within 10 mins of offroading I’m hearing something super loose underneath or rear end of my truck. Sounded like a bags of bolts. I had just done a ton of custom work to my transfer case so I thought maybe all the linkage just rattled a ton. We get to the trailhead for the gnarly trail and immediately a terrible ear piercing screech starts. It felt like the whole drivetrain was binding. I pulled over and looked for anything obvious and didnt see anything. I had a guy walk beside me when I drove and we pinpointed it to the rear right wheel. Took off the wheel and the drum and the whole shoe assembly just about fell on the ground. Threw all the parts in the cooler and confirmed my other brakes still worked and kept going!
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Hung out at the “waterfall” on 3 Feathers for a while and watched a bunch of guys crawl some crazy lines
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It was getting late and most of the guys didnt want to continue on to Chiva Falls. A group of 4 of us decided keep going. I led because I was the only one with downloaded maps LOL
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Explorer really surprised me. It went through some obstacles that had me pretty scared haha. I got stuck twice though in a couple places where I just didnt have the clearance.
Made it to Chiva Falls around 11pm. Trail was rough as fuck but definitely worth it. Even did a little midnight swimming
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Took an easier trail back and got to enjoy some higher speeds. Running tight and flowy trails as fast as possible at night has got to be one of my favorite things to do.
Radius arms took some abuse and held up great
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