Well I tried oshcut out.
I am relocating the front resivors on my truck and where I want to put them passes throgh a body mount.
I decided to build some type of structural resmount, but my idea needed me to modify some large 3" dom tube.
There was two paths at this point, go to IMS and buy some tube, come home and destroy said tube with my lack of metal fab skills.
Or option two which was use oshcut.
They have a instant price wizard, so it just shows your price. But shipping is extra.
Overall it was not bad, it was a 9day turn around.
Not as fast or easy as send cut send but worth using if you need something laser cut in tube.

My friend did the welding in the last pic so I'm just full bum now. Lol.
Anyway I do recommend checking them out for complicated tube work.
I am relocating the front resivors on my truck and where I want to put them passes throgh a body mount.
I decided to build some type of structural resmount, but my idea needed me to modify some large 3" dom tube.
There was two paths at this point, go to IMS and buy some tube, come home and destroy said tube with my lack of metal fab skills.
Or option two which was use oshcut.
They have a instant price wizard, so it just shows your price. But shipping is extra.
Overall it was not bad, it was a 9day turn around.
Not as fast or easy as send cut send but worth using if you need something laser cut in tube.

My friend did the welding in the last pic so I'm just full bum now. Lol.
Anyway I do recommend checking them out for complicated tube work.