Life on the Farm?

One of our most exciting farming story’s, newly planted cauliflower field when a military tank crash landed in it and dumped 9,000 gallon of jet fuel.


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One of our most exciting farming story’s, newly planted cauliflower field when a military tank crash landed in it and dumped 9,000 gallon of jet fuel.

FACKKK... They just fork up our tax dollars for the crop that year and bring in new dirt for you ?
This is Jeffery our pet goat my boys liked her to much and didn’t want to eat her…….so we have a pet goat now. Plus we have about 30 new hatch of Cochins chickens too.


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Did you do all the butchering yourself? I was debating on getting pigs but didn't know what it'd take to butcher them or take them to a butcher.
188lbs of pork, 430 of beef (only half of a steer)
damn! I've been wanting to stock my newly purchased deep freezer. That's a lot of meat!
My parents have now had three cows butchered. It's awesome being able to go into the deep freeze and pull out whatever you want
Did you do all the butchering yourself? I was debating on getting pigs but didn't know what it'd take to butcher them or take them to a butcher.
Yes, my dad was butcher by trade and I have all his tools but I don’t have a freeze to hang meat until I cut it but I have a friend that does and then finish it from there.
My cost in the freezer is about 3.00 bucks a pound on the beef and about 1.30 per pound on the pork.
Had a little bit of a ground squirrel problem last month or so... we started out with the live trap and only caught the baby squirrels which my wife was like nooooooooooooo they are only I've let them go...🤡🤡🤡🤡..

Fast forward to last week. Little shits have completely mowed down 3 of our brussel sprout plants... not so cute now eh ?


Then sniped another little guy last night..

No regurts. #headshotsonly

In other news we lost another Egg bound chicken over the weekend... so we are down to 3 now. RIP Ally Tornado 😢

Trash can is full of death at the moment haha got a rat in there too.
Your chicken to death ratio is still much lower then mine... But I have a flock of 8 right now
Last weekend my wife forgot close the coop to her 14 chickens and a dog came through sometime between dusk and 10:30 and killed 13 for sport. Our front yard looked like a war zone. Our 1 rooster made it and is super lonely, currently Looking for a couple old hens to keep him company while the chicks we have in the garage grow up.
Last weekend my wife forgot close the coop to her 14 chickens and a dog came through sometime between dusk and 10:30 and killed 13 for sport. Our front yard looked like a war zone. Our 1 rooster made it and is super lonely, currently Looking for a couple old hens to keep him company while the chicks we have in the garage grow up.
Hugh Hefner bout to be pimpin' on 'em.

Sorry about the chickens though.