Haven't updated in a while. Work and dad life has been kicking my butt lately. But alas, here we are. So since the last update things have been crazy to say the least. We are full, shelters are overflowing all due to people who give up on pups. We are having to turn away dogs and only help in dire medical cases. Which leads up to Bonnie. A sweet little French Bulldog pup who's owner didn't take swift enough action and she contracted parvo. And those that know, parvo is a death sentence for dogs, especially pups. So we rushed her to the ER and she was in rough shape. But one thing I've learned doing this, is if you give the pups hope, they become some of the strongest fighters you'll find. And fight she did. After over $6k of treatment at the vet, we were able to bring her home. Her home quarantine ends tomorrow, and she is rip roaring to get out and be a puppy again.
Then we have Sabrina, she's a 6week old Cane Corso pup. She was born with a clef lip and had to be bottle fed. She's now able to eat solids and is full of puppy play.
So between our personal dogs ( Pitty, 2 Frenchies, and a Great Dane) we have a Dogo Argentina, 8 Frenchies, and a "pocket bully" we thought we were at our limit. Then as life would have it, a friend of Wifey's calls and she was going through some personal issues I won't air our, she surrendered 3 more Frenchies.
For those of you that know what we do and know how much we put into making sure the pups are fully vetted and any medical issues addressed and fixed, but also making sure these dogs find their perfect home.
So I ask, if you know anyone looking for a forever pup, send them over to our website or Facebook page. I know not everyone is ina place to help financially. Trust me I get it and I know that feeling. Following and sharing on the social media pages is free and takes just a few seconds. And if anyone would like to donate, please do. Even $5 - $10 helps and it truly goes a long way. I'm about 2 seconds away from making a commerical with some sad Sarah McLachlan music playing and whoring myself for donations for the pups.