Garage Tools


Mar 30, 2022
Figured I'd start a thread for all things tools.

Questions for what to purchase, Where to buy, How to use, Which ones you use the most.
So I've never had the fancy safety wire pliers or used safety wire before on my truck.. shocker right haha.

Figured with the rebuild I should probably put some additional effort into keeping the truck nice and together for once.

What size Safety wire should I go with for standard safety wire use on the truck? .032 or .041

Saftey wire pliers are not a "necessity" especially if you're only doing a few ties. You can use regular pliers.

I also recommend going the thicker saftey wire as well.

They have lots of stuff too:
They're only like $25 on amazon so I'm going to buy them just to have them when I need them.

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Oh trust me I love tools too, I support all tool purchases...some tools just are always a necessity lol. That being said I have 2 pairs ha ha. Just don't waste the money on the China made ones ha ha!
are you going to be drilling bolt heads or buying pre-drilled?

i know there are some jigs out in the world for bolt-head drilling, curious what you end up with for jig + bits etc
Has anyone used the new JD2 notchers? My tricktools notcher is a certified POS, and I've done some modifications to replicate the notchmaster but it's just not cutting it (pun intended). I was looking at the notchmaster the other day and saw they have two new offerings and was wondering what your opinion is of them?
saftey wire... you guys are fancy. I have used my tool twice.
Now if anyone needs an AC line crimper tool, i bought one when i put vintage air in black betty and will never use it again. Who wants a good deal on a tool?
Has anyone used the new JD2 notchers? My tricktools notcher is a certified POS, and I've done some modifications to replicate the notchmaster but it's just not cutting it (pun intended). I was looking at the notchmaster the other day and saw they have two new offerings and was wondering what your opinion is of them?
i have the JD2 notcher.
it's real nice for the money, pretty beefy & a decent bearing for the holesaw shaft.
Still can't get very close to a bend though.
Has anyone used the new JD2 notchers? My tricktools notcher is a certified POS, and I've done some modifications to replicate the notchmaster but it's just not cutting it (pun intended). I was looking at the notchmaster the other day and saw they have two new offerings and was wondering what your opinion is of them?

i have the JD2 notcher.
it's real nice for the money, pretty beefy & a decent bearing for the holesaw shaft.
Still can't get very close to a bend though.
I have the Notchmaster and agree with Goat. It's worth the money for a garage fabber, but if I was running a shop I would go for one of the belt sander style notchers. Adjusting a notch with the hole saw style is a pain and you can overdo it quickly.
Has anyone used the new JD2 notchers? My tricktools notcher is a certified POS, and I've done some modifications to replicate the notchmaster but it's just not cutting it (pun intended). I was looking at the notchmaster the other day and saw they have two new offerings and was wondering what your opinion is of them?
Can confirm that the JD2 notcher I have is a solid unit.

Seems to lock in center well and it's all nice and tight.
In need of a new welding helmet...

looking for some suggestions
I have a Jackson that I’ve run for the last 5 years? I like it a lot. Recently went to buy a Miller with the same viewing profile.. $400+. Couldn’t bring myself to do it
Does anybody know if the Miller or Jackson helmets are made in USA? I know most of the Lincoln helmets I've seen come straight from Wuhan.
i got that yeswelder helmet on amazon i think it was the 100$ one its great. They have a few different models

I have a basic miller helmet i use for mig and i have the yeswelder one strictly for tig so im not having to clean and change lenses all the time. I had a miller digital elite that only lasted for a year before it broke.