you do so fucking much for the whole off-road community/people/places/sponsors/just fucking EVEYRONE THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH OFF-ROAD type stuff.
I really do wish I was still into the whole off-road shit, like I used to be before I turned gay. I'd love to help out as much as humanly possible. I'm just not a "part of all this", as much anymore.
so its fucking hard to commit to anything.
plus all the events are fucking 69 days away from PHX.
as much as I, ME, JAKEY would totally make these drives out to BFE...... its just not possible anymore with the situation im in / & with Brogan, as a lot of you know.
I know papa would fucking LOVE TO BE A PART OF ALL this type stuff again as well. he won't admit it, but he secretly fucking hates that i'm a yoga/exercise maniac now, instead of the redneck truck driving / building desert guy that i was. hah
ok, rant over. i just fucking love you AdamCleanDezDoucheMagoosh and really appreciate everything you're doing with all this. Also, the whole GoodLinesBadTimes family.