BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend


Active member
Apr 2, 2022
Flagstaff, AZ
While desert season is going to be wrapping up here soon in most places, the snow is melting and drying up in northern Arizona. Gonna be prime camping and off roaring weather here in a month or so. Thinking about “hosting” a big meet sometime in May for some people out in the cinder hills ohv area here in Flagstaff AZ. Hoping to get everyone on this forum out here for an awesome weekend of trucks and good times. Who’s in? Gonna be Labor Day weekend, September 1-4. I’ll snag a campsite earlier in the week and post the exact location then. Who knows what sort of fun we can have haha. Let’s start some conversation and make some plans.

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most likely down,, since its not a 69 hour drive for us down here in "Snobbsdale/Phoenix"........ haha
I’m thinking any weekend other than Memorial Day since most people will have plans then anyway, myself included.
yeah, i agree.
papa is VERY hesitant about taking the car unless he finds some sort of a clear wrap he can put on the buggy or something. he said he knows how much the cinders used to fucking kill your paint and tires an shit................

still like thatt, i assume?
Yeah it’s still pretty harsh on tires and paint. Chewed up my fresh wrap in like 5 min on the rear fenders. Added a layer of paint protection film after that and they’ve held up to the abuse since
Later in May would be best on my end. We'll be up in Prescott at the end of this month so giving me a few weeks in-between would be ideal.
Fathers day weekend, June 16th - 18th? papa and i aint got no plans so far
Cinders are open again? Havent payed much attention since the fire.
Yeah they opened back up for Labor Day last year. They were closed for a while after the fires.

And someone on another forum posted saying overland expo will be here in Flagstaff weekend of may 19th.

Maybe do like a day ride or something that weekend for anyone coming out for that weekend and then plan the takeover sometime in June since it seems like late May and early June might be better for people here. Like someone said maybe Father’s Day?
Dang... I'll most likely be working that event and wont be able to sneak off.

Also I suggested the end of May but that's also when @Giant Geoff has the Baja trip planned.

Never enough weekends!
Well shoot, hung out with the race team last night and forgot we are trying to run the ultra 4 race in Montana in May. Probably a good thing since May was seeming a little short notice for non local ish people here. Pushing it back to September since it should still be great camping weather and not too hot during the day.

@dwphoto is there a way to add a poll to the thread? That way people can vote on a few weekend options?
I vote July or August. Monsoons start rolling in in the afternoon to cool the place off, keeps dust down and good escape from the humidity down here. June works too, just can get hot in all that black rock. im down for any time from june on though.

Is the only access off 776 and 89 or did they open the 776 back up at the state park road?
I vote July or August. Monsoons start rolling in in the afternoon to cool the place off, keeps dust down and good escape from the humidity down here. June works too, just can get hot in all that black rock. im down for any time from june on though.

Is the only access off 776 and 89 or did they open the 776 back up at the state park road?
Yeah only access is 776 at hwy 89. The far side of 776 is still closed. There’s a few spots to get in from residential areas but not with trailers and campers and what not. Best way is definitely that main road in.
Well AZOP decided to do another cinder race this year July 22-23 we might run to test the new suspension if anyones down for that.