Life on the Farm?

Last weekend my wife forgot close the coop to her 14 chickens and a dog came through sometime between dusk and 10:30 and killed 13 for sport. Our front yard looked like a war zone. Our 1 rooster made it and is super lonely, currently Looking for a couple old hens to keep him company while the chicks we have in the garage grow up.
Go to tractor supply they seem to have a bunch of baby chicks in stocks.
Last weekend my wife forgot close the coop to her 14 chickens and a dog came through sometime between dusk and 10:30 and killed 13 for sport. Our front yard looked like a war zone. Our 1 rooster made it and is super lonely, currently Looking for a couple old hens to keep him company while the chicks we have in the garage grow up.

oh shit! Bummer about the ladies.
I've got 8 ladies and finally learned some lessons after about 20 birds in the past 2.5 years. Finally the last batch just started laying last weekend.

  1. $200 automatic chicken door is worth its weight in gold.
  2. If I'm not around.... keep the chickens cooped in. They have a 4'x16' run so they are good.
  3. Let them out more in the mid summer to take care of the ticks/bugs in the back yard.
  4. If you let predators know there is food.... they will always come back for more.
    1. Thanksgiving 2021 - Came back to no birds thanks to a bob cat.
They said on the radio today that people are getting caught very often lately smuggling eggs across the Mexican border. Since we have an egg shortage here in the USA people are smuggling eggs in which is illegal, so I would say you got yourself a gold mine in your hand there 😹
Well we live the Rural life, plenty of room to grow some stuff but the wife and I do not have green thumbs. We had chickens years ago but they went on down the food chain. We plan on a more secure chicken run this spring. Once we fence our entire property we will likely get some BLM donkeys. For now we have horses behind a bunch of horse panels and our immediate backyard is fenced for the dogs.

Its days like this that we love living out in the sticks. Even though the mud is an absolute mess it beats life in the city.

So I had a little extra time to get the garden started this weekend. Hope this year yields something we can eat haha.

Late to the game but the weather finally let up. This year I made the garden twice as big and added irrigation. So now it's 2 8x8 foot beds filled with the following: Chicken shit wood chips for a base, Top soil, Peat Moss, and a vegetable mix soil. Please tell me if this wont work...

The irrigation is ran every 12" through 1/4" hose. The 1/2" hose runs the parameter and the 1/4" connects to both ends. I figured this would give it the most event flow.

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Was at a robotics farm show a few weeks ago in Salinas for work, this company wanted to show off with some pretty sweet wheel / tire combo on top of that the body is 100% carbon fiber as well. FYI it’s a robotic self propelled weeder or the same one hooked up to a tractor.


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Was at a robotics farm show a few weeks ago in Salinas for work, this company wanted to show off with some pretty sweet wheel / tire combo on top of that the body is 100% carbon fiber as well. FYI it’s a robotic self propelled weeder or the same one hooked up to a tractor.
Those wheels are perfect for Salinas!
all this chicken talk I've lost over 25 chickens in the last year, I'm done until I'm able to rebuild all the fences around my coop to at least 8ft! what's wild is my last batch "the old girls" I got 13, and had 13 for 4-6yrs