Jf chassis table build


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2022
Finally finding time to post this thread on our chassis table build. We designed this table to due to us building our first full chassis up project. We started with 6"x4"x .120 rectangle tubing.
I designed the whole table in SW with the mind set of future builds and ease of fixturing.

18' long
80" wide
Roughly 3 ish feet tall.
3/8 top plate
4"x4" on center 3/8" holes


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We started with 20' sticks so we could move them. 40s would have been better but no way to pick them up or move them. We made a cut list of all the lengths and got to work cutting. We took our time a made sure every cut was "perfect". Used a level and square on our band saw and did the best we could with the tools we had.
I still can't believe how we built this table honestly. I remember we started building it on Mother's Day and both spent so much time prepping everything. DA-ing every piece, to make painting it easier. I also remember we built it so that we could drive a truck on it if we wanted to. Moving all the pieces after you started welding the sides together like a ladder was fun too, just the two of us back when we were still somewhat young 😅 🤣.
This table was a thought out process to bring it to completion. Here is a update with some pictures. We wanted the table to have adjustable feet on it so we machined bungs for the feet and added doubler plates to help distribute the weight. We started with 2 inch diameter by 1.5 thick solid stock .Machining and tapping 1 inch tread was a feat in itself. I got my arm work out in that day. Lol we got the feet from Mcmaster carr. The doubler plate is 1/8" 1018 mild steel.20200524_184141.jpg20200506_185655(1).jpg20200524_192831.jpg20200524_192852.jpg20200524_201539.jpg
We also wanted the table to be able to move without having to use moving equipment like dolleys etc with a chassis on the table so we opted to put some pretty hefty double wheen casters on it in a way that they will always be mounted and not be in the way. I can't remember the full capacity of each castor, but I know they were capable of carrying the load of the table and a full size truck. They were priced accordingly. We mounted them on the interior four corners of the table. The were mounted so when the leveling feet were all the way up u have plenty of clearance to roll the table around without issue. In reverse fashion the leveling feet take all the weight we deployed. We even put a logo in the gusset plate for some flare .20200530_234718.jpg20200531_192552.jpg20200531_155325.jpg20200531_192520.jpg