

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
I Figure might as well start this as we dont have a thread for this already.

For 2025 my goal is to loose weight. I am the fattest I have ever been at 320lbs. ugh... Some may not know but I had a heart attack in 2017 and had a quadruple bypass to fix it (really bad genetics on my moms side, and oh yea I am fat as fuck) I need to loose some weight so I dont feel like shit every day.

So in December, after a vacation I came back and decided to see if I can loose weight and feel better about myself.

5 days a week I ride an exercise bike every morning for 30 min and go for a walk with my daughter when I get home from work. Hoping to extend these into longer intervals once my body is more acustom to it all.

For food 5 days a week I skip breakfast, and have a turkey sandwich and apple for lunch, and then for dinner, I have some sort of meat and veggies. Previously I was going out for a big lunch at work, and eating crap when I got home. I am also cutting out all energy drinks for the month of Jan.

I am trying to do this without watching the scale as that makes me emo.. I will weigh myself at the end of Jan.

Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Congrats on the goals Adam!

I agree with skipping the daily weigh ins. The problem is our bodies naturally fluctuate slightly day to day, longer periods between weigh ins are better and more accurate.

For me personally i think what hindered me the most was the amount of food and type of food i was eating. I used to eat super unhealthy lots of fast food etc. Eating super late at night before bed, too many unhealthy snacks throughout the day.

I completely cut all sugars. I still drink alcohol and working on cutting that down but no more candies, donuts, sodas etc. If i do have an energy drink or any other beverage i always do diet or zero sugar. Additionally making healthier meals. Virtually every night for dinner unless i am going out with the wife or family to a restaurant i cook dinner at home. Always usually consists of a clean protein (Beef, chicken, fish), simple carb ( white rice or potato), and a salad or veggie. Might sound pretty basic but i cook with alot of flavor and make slight variations to keep it interesting.

I dont eat breakfast unless on a rare occasion i go out with the family but if i do then i skip lunch.

I would be happy to share some simple recipes if anyone's interested.
Congrats on the goals Adam!

I agree with skipping the daily weigh ins. The problem is our bodies naturally fluctuate slightly day to day, longer periods between weigh ins are better and more accurate.

For me personally i think what hindered me the most was the amount of food and type of food i was eating. I used to eat super unhealthy lots of fast food etc. Eating super late at night before bed, too many unhealthy snacks throughout the day.

I completely cut all sugars. I still drink alcohol and working on cutting that down but no more candies, donuts, sodas etc. If i do have an energy drink or any other beverage i always do diet or zero sugar. Additionally making healthier meals. Virtually every night for dinner unless i am going out with the wife or family to a restaurant i cook dinner at home. Always usually consists of a clean protein (Beef, chicken, fish), simple carb ( white rice or potato), and a salad or veggie. Might sound pretty basic but i cook with alot of flavor and make slight variations to keep it interesting.

I dont eat breakfast unless on a rare occasion i go out with the family but if i do then i skip lunch.

I would be happy to share some simple recipes if anyone's interested.
I 100% want recipes.. Right now i am eating the same thing 5 days a week basically, because i dont know what else to do. So anything that is good and healthy i want to learn about.
I 100% want recipes.. Right now i am eating the same thing 5 days a week basically, because i dont know what else to do. So anything that is good and healthy i want to learn about.
I got you, I will start documenting some and posting them up here. I dont follow any recipes per say i usually just make them up as i go.

There are some good pages on instagram for meal prep ideas.

Personally i like Jalalsamfit - most recipes are all high protein and look to be pretty good. He posts full breakdown of macros on them along with the recipe.
I would suggest 2 things.
1. You need to incorporate some weight training. Cardio is good but you need some weights.
2. More protein. You need to get your protein intake way up.
Right on.

Something as easy as a weighted vest when you walk is huge. Cardio is meh, You need resistance. Do sprints if you can. 3, 10-15 sec sprints, 3 times a week is huge.

Ditch the turkey, Stick to ruminant meat, fatter the better. Beef is obviously the easiest. Try cooking a burger patty and letting it get cold, See if you can eat it. If you can they are good to take to work for lunch if you cant cook. Meat cookies.

No sugar at all.

If your on IG, Look up Dr. Sean Omara.

Good luck, Glad your still with us.
Hell yea dude! Good on you. Like I said in the other thread I've been "keto" last 6 year. Being no sugar/ low carb has been the ticket for me.
Went down a rabbit hole on researching foods we eat and it's pretty clear the reason most people are sick is the food we are being poisoned with.

While definitely I could clean things up and eat better than I do. Keto Bread, Keto Tortillas aren't the greatest It's helped me hold off 40-50 lbs ish over past 6 years.

Just to give you an idea what that looks like Primarily eating

Salted Nuts ( almonds, macadamia nuts, Pecans)
Pork rinds
Chicken (try to do more Dark meat has more fat)
Burgers (no Bun)
Cauliflower rice
Salad with Ranch/ cesar ( cobb salad my go to)
Sour Cream
Keto Bread,
Keto Tortillas

black coffee

@dweezy has got me thinking about trying the Carnivore for a month just to shake it up.

A Program I can recommend that is a real ass kicker and will help you improve all aspects of your life is 75 Hard

The 75 Hard challenge

  • Workouts: Complete two 45-minute workouts per day, with at least one being outdoors

  • Diet: Follow a healthy diet of your choice, without cheat meals or alcohol

  • Reading: Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book each day, preferably one that focuses on self-improvement

  • Water: Drink a gallon of water per day

  • Progress pictures: Take a progress picture each day
You miss any steps... You start over at day one. Which is brutal...but keeps you accountable.

Andy Frisella RealAF Podcast EP 208 has more info on it.

Completed this back in 2023 took me 103 days to complete it. Need to get my shit back together and do it again.

Get after it dude, here to support in anyway possible. Look forward to the progress updates!

Thats awesome dude.

the reason most people are sick is the food we are being poisoned with.
This is dead on balls accurate. Its crazy how brain washed we are about the proper human diet.

If you're that into it, Google oxalate's too. If your on IG, Look up Oxylategrandma. Crazy!
Thats awesome dude.

This is dead on balls accurate. Its crazy how brain washed we are about the proper human diet.

If you're that into it, Google oxalate's too. If your on IG, Look up Oxylategrandma. Crazy!


I checked it out on google though
The body gets rid of excess oxalate through the kidneys, in urine. The extra oxalate can combine with calcium to form kidney stones and crystals. These can damage the kidneys and cause them to stop working

All good info above! I agree ditch the turkey sandwich. Sub in ground beef or chicken breast with rice and veggies. That’s what I eat literally daily (however I’m trying to gain weight right now) ny quantity for me is different but none the less it’s all about tracking your macros.
My fitness pal is a great app to track what you’re eating daily in terms of numbers. Make sure you’re eating clean and in a caloric deficit every day and you will lose weight without becoming unhealthy.
Get that protien up as stated above!!!
Fuck sugar!

I quit alcohol 4 months ago and my daily energy is up 10x.
My day starts at 4am in the gym, that ain’t easy to do if you had 2-3 beers with dinner the night before. So it came down to a sacrifice to reach my goal type of thing.

For me it wasn’t a plus… but I lost 10 pounds the first month after quitting drinking.

Did I say fuck sugar?
Check out this free app to scan barcodes on food or a lot of other household products.
Its called Yuka.
Its been helpful to see what additives to avoid. It also gives you an idea on amounts of ingredients to avoid that are in excess.
Yes to weight training once your cardio routine is becoming easy and a habit. Dont overwhelm yourself right off the bat.
Im a fan of a big breakfast then smaller meals closer to sleep-time.
Breakfast isnt for everyone though, but more frequent smaller meals throughout the day will help curb overindulgence.
One other thing to mention is sleep. I struggle with sleep and it really impacts my goals. I try for at least 7 but usually around 5 1/2 or 6. Also just be consistent if you miss a day or fall off the wagon don't be hard on yourself. This is a marathon not a sprint. I could do better with the alcohol part but damn I like my whiskey and beer. I try to drink only on the weekends and very limited.
One other thing to mention is sleep. I struggle with sleep and it really impacts my goals. I try for at least 7 but usually around 5 1/2 or 6. Also just be consistent if you miss a day or fall off the wagon don't be hard on yourself. This is a marathon not a sprint. I could do better with the alcohol part but damn I like my whiskey and beer. I try to drink only on the weekends and very limited.
sleep is never a problem. But i have started to wake up at 5am instead of 6am and every morning i want to kill someone when that alarm goes off. lol

I think the hardest thing for me is the marathon... I want to see instant results and if i dont then i feel like its worthless. Also sad news is i tried to jog a bit last night on my walk and realized holy fuck i am fat and had a hard time... now my thighs burn this morning. lol Guess its all part of the process. But its crazy that in my mind i can still run and am young... but then i try and do shit and realize i am fucking terrible.
Sleep is a huge issue for me too. I was up till almost 12 packing orders and filming a video for cutless ig when i realized I was still in my work clothes and hadn’t showered or gotten ready for the next day.
Alarm went off at 330 time to go!
I really need to get better at that

Adam just remember you didn’t get in this situation over night so you wouldn’t get out of it overnight either! Keep at it and soon enough the mental satisfaction of keeping your daily promise to yourself will outweigh the need for visual physical progress. That will come as a byproduct of your commitment to yourself
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I just got back on the trying to cut wagon as well. When I am successful I only weigh myself once a week. Always the same day and at the same time. Morning after waking up and taking a good pee. Like said above fluctuations kill the spirit.
I would look at what the common food allergy items are and avoid those for 30 days even if you don't think you have one. Complex carbs vs single carbs (brown rice vs white). As said a bunch sugars are bad. Watch what fruit you eat as most is packed with natural sugars. Berries are usually safe. I will put some more info up later. My wife sells Arbonne and they have a 7 day plan with intermediate fasting that I am on now and a 30 day plan that I will be going on next. Makes it easier to follow when they mostly spell out the do's and don't. I will look up the basic ideas of each and post them later.
Good luck. I do real good for 30-60 days but generally fall back into bad habits after that. Lets see if I can do better this one.
Like most have said already, its going to take a while to see the big results. But if you keep at it for 3 months youll see/feel it and be stoked. Stick with it for 6 months and youll be shocked.

What worked for *ME* was:
Wake up at 0400, hit the rowing machine for 1/2 hr. Get cleaned up and go to work. Skip breakfast and drink a bunch of water. Lunch was typically a seasoned chicken thigh or breast with a salt n peppered avocado, or grapes, cuties, orange, etc. Wash it all down with lots of water. Somewhere during the day (lunch break, right after coming home from work, etc) I'd try to do a bunch of push-ups, sit-ups, various leg raises, planks, etc. Drink more water. Dinner typically consisted of a ceasar salad "kit" with a can of costco chicken dumped in it. Or some kind of chicken with rice and/or mixed veggies. Drink more water, and in bed and knocked out by 10pm.
On my days off I'd wake up and ride my bike (bicycle) for 10-15 miles before coming home and doing the push-up (etc) routine. It took a good 6 months, but I felt better than ever and lost a ton of weight.

That said, I stopped doing pretty much all of that and got fat as fuck again lol.
I currently only eat when I'm hungry no set schedule. So most days I skid breakfast and eat around 3 or 4.

When i was working out and on a meal plan I would eat 8oz of ground turkey, which I would season with different things, BBQ, taco seasoning, Manwich, etc. Then I would eat it with green beans, broccoli or if I was working out after work I would have a microwaved potato to add some carbs for energy.

Also everything that is prepared for you today is full of junk that's horrible for your body. I'm fortunate that I work from home so I can cook or make up some good slow cooker food to eat on for multiple days, Like Mississippi Roast or southwest cowboy casserole. I feel the biggest thing for me to cut out was snacking throughout the day and eating late. I eat a good early dinner and if I'm hungry later I'll has some mixed nuts or chips.
sleep is never a problem. But i have started to wake up at 5am instead of 6am and every morning i want to kill someone when that alarm goes off. lol

I think the hardest thing for me is the marathon... I want to see instant results and if i dont then i feel like its worthless. Also sad news is i tried to jog a bit last night on my walk and realized holy fuck i am fat and had a hard time... now my thighs burn this morning. lol Guess its all part of the process. But its crazy that in my mind i can still run and am young... but then i try and do shit and realize i am fucking terrible.
They say the best diet is the one you'll stick to.

Try to keep it simple. That's why I suggested just getting a weighted vest since your already walking.

Forget jogging. If your knees aren't fcked, Do very short, Easy start sprints, Like I mentioned. Just don't blast out of the gate. Sprinting not only works the muscles, But your brain goes into a different mode because it thinks you're either running to catch food, Or running from something that wants to make you food.

Also look into fasting (not eating! lol!) if you havnt already.
Agreed with the above.

Intermittent fasting works well for me. Weight training will be very beneficial. Cardio is important, im not saying dont do it. But you need to incorporate weight lifting in as well. Your weight training is going to help boost your metabolism and keep lean muscle mass while shedding the fat.

Also regarding diet/meals. I see alot that people want to try to stick to a super aggressive meal prep plan right off the bat. They eat the same thing over and over again and after 2 weeks they give up. Keep it simple, keep some variety and dont try to over do it. a cheat meal here and there isnt going to blow your whole plan but theres ways to go about it properly while keeping motivation around your goals.