Google Earth - Trip Planning and Layers


Jun 7, 2023
I use google earth almost everyday for work and I have collected an extensive layer list of not only things for work, but also those for play. I regularly find myself slacking off and exploring new areas that I want to visit.

I also use google earth for all my trip planning. I draw as a path, export to KML, and add to my Gaia app. It works pretty flawlessly.

Some of the more useful layers I have added include national parks, Wilderness Areas, Indian Reservations, Military Areas, and I even have a Mining Layer of all the mines in CA/AZ. I also have all my previous trips saved so i can revisit or re-use as needed.

Most useful layer I think I have come across is definitely the Wilderness areas. While those areas are no-go for motor vehicles (thank you Dianne Feinstein 🖕)there are alot of little bypasses or out-and-back routes that were left open for access.

Any useful layers or info that I have over looked? Share them here. I'd also be glad to share any of those public layers that I have downloaded.

Screenshot of mine below:
Green = National Parks/Wilderness Areas
Orange = Military/Indian Rez
Lines = Trails I have mapped
Placemarks are my personal points of interest.

Example of a Wilderness area with a small road left open:

My Google Earth trails look similarly busy, but I have never used layers. I bet @sdecurti has some awesomeness also…
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Layer are great and a useful tool for sure when using google earth and trying to map routes. They are not useful when you actually transfer your tracks to gps apps as layers are dependent on the apps abilities, which most dont have a large range of options.

One layer i do find extremely helpful since we are in ca is military bases as they seem to govern our point to point paths in oru state. Then the second one i use the most is national/state parks because there are usually so many limitations when you enter these areas.

Believe it or not i do tend to focus on “lakes” dependent on the time of year im mapping for a trip as dry lakes are not so fun with just the littlest of rain. Im sure @dwphoto can drop in some kind of blackmailing photo to prove my point…haha

Hopefully that adds some insight.
My favorite past time is trying to find places on google maps that people post in trip reports or you tube videos while I'm supposed to be working. I've gotten really good at it. Most of the common stuff has been labeled now but I'm always finding new stuff and places to check out. Seems like most people on social media groups just want to be told exact coordinates now. The hunt is the fun part for me.
My favorite past time is trying to find places on google maps that people post in trip reports or you tube videos while I'm supposed to be working. I've gotten really good at it. Most of the common stuff has been labeled now but I'm always finding new stuff and places to check out. Seems like most people on social media groups just want to be told exact coordinates now. The hunt is the fun part for me.
“Bro, that’s cool that you spent 69 hours meticulously planning and researching a trip in a badass location with beautiful sights and history. Can you send me the map files so I can post them for all the dickbags on tacomaworld? I want the overlanders to be able to paint the entire trail and every scenic camp spot with human feces. Thanks bro!!!”