Gas tank sealer?


Active member
Apr 5, 2022
So, I had to modify a gas tank to clear the driveshaft on an explorer I’m working on, it’s a steel tank, basically crossed an inch off of it and plated it back. Anyone here used any of the gas tank dealers to keep the steel from rusting out inside? Should it even be a big worry? Whatchall think?
I wouldn’t worry about it. If you want to use the chronic shit, here are two products I have used to seal carbon fiber/epoxy fuel tanks. These materials will seal anything.

PPG PR-1005 (it’s only like $150/pint haha)
The shit below is fucking badass. If you drive up to Yucaipa, I’ll give you some.

PPG 1440 (also called ProSeal; is a manganese dioxide cured polysulfide)
Is that more for sealing seams/joints though? I’d think to coat a whole patch job I would have to use a lot of material like a gallon and “fill” the tank with it, roll it around to get a coat on the new metal and then dump it out.

I’ve pressure tested it with soapy water and will probably put it in the bath tub when my wife isn’t home to make sure it’s sealed. I’m more concerned about rust and this poor guy clogging filters down the road. DGAF it?
Is that more for sealing seams/joints though? I’d think to coat a whole patch job I would have to use a lot of material like a gallon and “fill” the tank with it, roll it around to get a coat on the new metal and then dump it out.

I’ve pressure tested it with soapy water and will probably put it in the bath tub when my wife isn’t home to make sure it’s sealed. I’m more concerned about rust and this poor guy clogging filters down the road. DGAF it?
The 1005 is a “slosh coat” but it can easily be spot applied with a foam brush.

The 1440 would be a better product to “spot treat” a welded area.
Many moons ago (15ish years ago) I took an in-cab tank from my old F250 to a place in pomona/montclair-ish area (north of mission) to have it dipped and "coated" because there was rust in the tank that was clogging my $2 in-line filters.

All said and done they did a shitty job because I chased that issue the whole time I drove/owned it.

My point being, there were (are?) other places around that area that did the "dipping/coating" work too... I just picked the wrong one.
If you don’t wanna drive to the yuc for rouses defense department freebies POR15 has a good reputation on the internet. I’ve never used it. As long as fuel is left in the tank/used and refilled often it shouldn’t rust out.
Been looking at the por-15 option. I need something I can slosh in there and dump since it’s all welded up now.
Where on the tank did you work it over? I'd like to think that unless you altered it at the top you shouldn't have to worry about rust as long as you keep good fuel in it? But then again with ethanol blends and whatever garbage gasoline has in it these days a coating of sorts I'm sure wouldn't hurt. If it doesn't leak I'd probably run it, but I also like to gamble with that kind of stuff lol
It’s not leaking, but it’s not mine, it’s a customers so I would rather err on the conservative side so they don’t have issues down the road. I lopped the entire side off and narrowed it a little bit, so there is definitely reworked parts up above where there would consistently be liquid. I’m just thinking about my crappy steel Jerry cans that have rust in them in less than a couple years.
There used to be some shit called Tank Kreem or similar. I used it on a quad tank probably 15 years ago? Also a slosh coat. No clue how the tank held up, the carb spit fuel and set the thing on fire.

I remember my dad using that on an old dirtbike tank too. The por 15 stuff seems promising too.