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- Mar 30, 2022
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With things calming down for us after the wedding. We wanted to get out to use Kayla's wedding present. A trip more along the lines of camping and exploration than the normal go fast trips that we are used to. Talking with Jesse and company, we set our sights on the Sierras. We loaded up the Forester and headed toward the 395 North.[IMG]
Met up with the rest of the group in Mojave, CA at Primo Burger. Just 6 of us total and 2 dogs. Two vehicles. Kayla, Olive and I in the Forester. Jesse, Melissa, Terra, Amanda and Blue in Jesse's stock 4x4 F-150.
We headed out from dinner about 9:30 pm or so. Topped up the tanks at the last gas station before the Kennedy meadows turn off. Headed up 9 mile canyon road into Kennedy meadows and then continued on another 15 or 20 miles to a trail Jesse had mapped out. We hit our first few forest roads, attempting to stay off of the Monache Meadows Jeep Trail for as long as possible. After circling around a few times we made it to the "trail" that we needed to be on which was actually a paved road. In other words probably could have saved some serious time but taking the paved road. But what fun would that have been! The Access roads were a good warm up for things to come later in the night.
Finally we made the turn on to the Monache Meadows Jeep trail. Passing the sign that says <strong>4x4 high clearance. </strong>Sure! I'm in a stock height Forester with AWD! We got this! Jesse and I were talking over the radios about taking another route. I took a look at my co dogs and they are both passed out and radio in lets keep this party going !
Trail in total is about 8 or 9 miles to the Kern river campsite. Goal was to push as far as we could and then set up camp. Started out pretty mellow a few off camber turns and rocks to go over. In a mildly build rig there would have been nothing to write home about. Infact Jesse did 95 % of the trail in 2wd in the F150. In the Forester line selection was key but still walked through the trail with easy. We made it down the trail maybe a mile or 2 down the trail. There was a nice clearing that was designated for camping. We regrouped and decided to push on. This is when it got fun. Steep Decents had me missing low range, a few rock ledges to drop down, soft, silty sections, lots of tree roots to navigate over and around. Still the Forester hung right behind the f150 with zero issues. After some careful navigation of our stock vehicles we arrived to our camp site for the night at about 2 am. Popped open the tent and a few sport sodas and hit the rack.

The view in the Am did not disappoint.

We all slithered out of bed pretty late. Was pretty nice having no itinerary planned. We are so used to wake up pack up camp and hit the trail. This time around we took our time fired up the grill and cook up a feast Bacon, egg, pancakes, hashbrowns...

After we ate. Jesse and I talked about driving the rest of the way to the Kern River. Kayla and Terra also came with us. Melissa and Amanda hung out at camp.
5 mins away from camp just as we made it to the meadow it started to rain

Then hailing then snowing even thunder and lighting. Was pretty crazy really.