

Aug 8, 2023
Hey, so i recently picked up an 07’ crf50, im planning on buying a new carb, the stock one is a 13mm i believe, this one in the pic below is a 28mm, any help on if this would work, is it too big? will it not run right?


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Hey, so i recently picked up an 07’ crf50, im planning on buying a new carb, the stock one is a 13mm i believe, this one in the pic below is a 28mm, any help on if this would work, is it too big? will it not run right?

Unless you have a big bore kit, get the right size carb for your bike. It'll be way hard to jet it properly. The correct carb can be bought on amazon for dirt cheap. Unfortunately, the jets for carbs of this size are way small and they easily plug up, so carb cleans will be a pretty regular event.
Sorry, I don’t know much about the carburetor size but I’ve been keeping my eye on these things because it’s such a great bike that I want to get for my 13-year-old kid, so if anyone knows of one for sale or even a big wheel 85cc with a blown motor, my kid wants to do an electric motor conversion, project.
Unless you have a big bore kit, get the right size carb for your bike. It'll be way hard to jet it properly. The correct carb can be bought on amazon for dirt cheap. Unfortunately, the jets for carbs of this size are way small and they easily plug up, so carb cleans will be a pretty regular event.
Alr fosho, know anyone selling a bigbore kit haha
Sorry, I don’t know much about the carburetor size but I’ve been keeping my eye on these things because it’s such a great bike that I want to get for my 13-year-old kid, so if anyone knows of one for sale or even a big wheel 85cc with a blown motor, my kid wants to do an electric motor conversion, project.
85 is a great start, or even a 125
For the stock 50 motor your best bet is to put the 70 carb on it. Find a rev box and that will help also. Youll need the throttle cable and housing for the swap also.


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ok cool, any idea for suspension? its a lil rough rn because i weigh to much for it
Look for a rear shock. Dont waste your money on just the spring for the rear. Find a dnm rear shock. I think ive got mine from and i get the heavy spring and have zero issues. Been running it for years on both my bikes. For the front you can get away with bbr springs and fork legs but itd look into doing a 70 front end and do bbr springs and up the fluid weight. On mine i run bbr fork springs and 15w fluid, rear is dnm shock with the heavy spring, think it 1000lb?
Look for a rear shock. Dont waste your money on just the spring for the rear. Find a dnm rear shock. I think ive got mine from and i get the heavy spring and have zero issues. Been running it for years on both my bikes. For the front you can get away with bbr springs and fork legs but itd look into doing a 70 front end and do bbr springs and up the fluid weight. On mine i run bbr fork springs and 15w fluid, rear is dnm shock with the heavy spring, think it 1000lb?
alr coo, thanks for sll the help, what was ur total price in suspension do yk?
alr coo, thanks for sll the help, what was ur total price in suspension do yk?
Its hard to say cause i built one bike years ago but i think rear shock was like $80-$90, fork springs i think $90, 15w fluid $10-$15. Id say around $200 - $250ish. Also look into the cradle brace thats a definite need if youll be riding hard at all.