3 Day Bronco Build!


Mar 30, 2022

How should I put this. It took longer than three days. But She's a Beauty thanks to @the_fablab_


Ok. So here's the Story of how I acquired this 1995 Ford Bronco. My dad had a work friend and her husband had passed. She was left with his Bronco and my dad ended up buying it for $5,000. It was pristine back then. My dad had no interest in a 4x4 or going offroad but he just liked it and ended up driving it as a daily driver.

Because it was a gas guzzler I didn't drive it much back then and the only time we did was to go out shooting on my buddies farm land. We'd bounce around the fields a little bit but never really drove it 'offroad'.

Years later my brother in law bought it. Had some issues and then parked it. I ended up asked what he wanted for it and he just gave it to me for free. It was running and driving but they thought there was an issue with it. I ended up driving it from Bakersfield to Long beach without any issues. A week or two later I drove it on a trip to go watch some racing at Primm. The transmission ended up completely destroyed after we made it back to Barstow and I was on the freeway.


So lets just bring it all up to date now after (some life happened @BajaKyle haha) and iron out the current specs of the Bronco after Mikey at @the_fablab_ finished her up.

1995 Ford Bronco 4x4 - 5.8L.

Front end:
Stock width Cut and Turned Beams.
Fab lab custom enginge cage
3.0" King Coilover
2.5" x 2.5" King Bump stops.
4:56 gears with a limited slip.
Mile Marker Hubs

Rear end:
10.25" Ford axle. (full floater)
Moser axles to convert 8 lug to 5x5.5" bolt pattern
3.0" King Triple Bypasses
Solo - Shock tower
Q80 Deaver leaf pack.
Night one - Tommy and Mikey drove over to my place to pick up the Bronco. it was basically ready to go... Kind of.

I couldn't the steering the night before but I got the bronco essentially 'ready'. Well I thought so. Mikey said he had to do a bunch of work but he had also just been driving for 5 plus hours in Traffic.

My garage floor hadn't looked this clean for a LONG TIME.


Anyways... We stopped to meet up with @sdecurti for dinner at the Yardhouse in Santa Monica and to pick up my new to me 2010 Chevy 2500. Long story to save for another thread.


We continued to Mikey's House and decided to drop the Bronco off at his shop in the morning.


Look at this bloke... All in good spirits now that it's almost in the shop.


Well almost... No steering had it's own issues.



At this point it hit me hard... I didn't need 3 'Prelanders'.

I had to put the ol shitbox up for sale. She served me well. Luckily she Sold within a few weeks of my Bronco Being finished. By old friend.

So then @the_fablab_ got started looking at the parts I supplied him with.

Let's just say I bought a lot of the wrong stuff... Although Unbeknownst to myself at the time of purchase.

The rear end was mostly 'there'. Bolts were loose and some were incorrect, but it already had the Q 80s and Solo Shock tower I purchased from Rouse.


I had purchased a new gas tank since the truck had sat with gas for so many years. That came with Mikey buying new fuel lines and a pump.


Mikey fixed/finished the tightening of said bolts and replacing incorrect ones.

I also moved the rear hangers as far back as I could to help with shackle angle and less leaf separation. These normally separate a ton and also have a bunch of negative arch... I'll probably go 64kit at some point.


King 3.0 x 12" bypasses under the rear. If you forgot... the rear end is a 10.25" Steerling (Full floater from F350). It has a locker and 4:56 gears.


Mikey had finished up the rear I think in the first day... I think they basically just were waiting on bleeding the brakes at this point.


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Now it was time for the Front End.

Mikey pulled off the 'stock' stuff we rolled the truck in on and put on my 'cut and turned' beams. Long story short the beams were not cut and turned correctly and Mikey had to go in there and rebuild them.


He didn't like the Solo Motorsports Engine Cage I had bought years back so he decided to make a new one out of plate. I prefer this over a tube on these trucks now because of how they use the inner fenders to hold stuff in the engine bay. The Plate keeps it all uniform and doesn't allow for nearly as much water/dirt to go into the engine bay.

He had to make an adjustment on mine vs what he normally makes for 2 reasons. First is that I was running a 3.0" Coilover and two because I wanted to run a 2.5" bump.


3.0" vs normal 2.5" Shock mount


Legit Bolt on...


Tight like a tigar.






I had bought some headers from a friend for $100. I think they are JBA?


I forgot what year/make Brake master this was but Mikey prefers them on Bronco's.


Bumps were late so Mikey made due.


Passenger Side




You always need to know your measurement...




More Fresh Parts


I really like how the Bump Stops came out!



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took all that time to mask off King logo.. then blast with rattle black can till it runs down entire can!? HAHAHAH J/K
Do you know what year f350 those sterlings came in? Are they the same WMS as the stock bronco 8.8's?
took all that time to mask off King logo.. then blast with rattle black can till it runs down entire can!? HAHAHAH J/K

Can't have things too nice for Wally.

No in my defense, the front end was all painted and done, THEN the bump stop cans had to be welded and for some reason the spray paint did not want to play well with the cured paint on there. Oh well.
Do you know what year f350 those sterlings came in? Are they the same WMS as the stock bronco 8.8's?
Sterling 10.25's came in 85-97 f250 & 350's. 93-97's had a stronger pinion and yoke. Had one sitting in my garage for years out of a 95, barely got $50 out of it when it finally sold.