3 Day Bronco Build!

Started working on a new bumper install.

Picked up the bumper from Instagram for $100.

Not sure who built it but the build quality is actually pretty nice for the price! The end caps are boxed which is cool. The center has a hole which I assume was made for a hitch design. I do plan to add a hitch to the bumper so here is why I set it up the following way.

1/4" Riv Nuts for a swing license plate frame holder


Added an LED light as well.


Bumper Mounts came oval for fitment alignment.

Used the jack to get it sitting as high as possible.


I think the bumper sits a little low for my liking in the center. I'll probably trim the drop down portion under the license plate frame. Make it more flush with the rest of the bumper. Not going to adjust anything yet. Going to let her sink in a little.

As far as paint... I don't think Black works. Do I try and match the Tan or make it chrome like the front bumper?

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it is 100% built from Richer Racing as it was donated to our clean-up years back. A friend won it and ran it for a while... Then went with a solo bumper as he needed a step to reach his roof rack.
haha rad.

Who was it. I was trying to look in my DM's on instagram and I couldn't find him
Worked on the Bumper a little this weekend.

Hitch is strong enough for a small trailer of sorts...

I don't have a plasma table or cool stuff like that. So I had to improvise. I drilled 4 holes large enough for my band saw blade at each corner. Cut through the side of the plate and then welded it back when when done. Didn't need to be pretty because it would be welded up later.


Added gussets

Been waiting on Paint for the bumper. It had shown up yesterday but probably going to hold off on painting it until the weekend so I can try and prep the bumper to the best of my ability...

I already spoke with Mikey but what's the best way to prep/paint over powder coat?

Anyways -

I started a new little project for @marcytech OBS Ford Ranger 3rd Light Mount grown and fitted to a OBS Ford Bronco and then use factory wiring and then try to make it all work well for my intended application.

So I will start off by saying this is probably one of the most expensive things I've worked on that provides very little value to what this Bronco's intentions were... $200ish mount, 3 @Baja Designs S2 lights, replacement stainless hardware, 2 dimmer switches and wiring junk.

Long story short if you were to try and replicate this with the same products it's like $800 for a stupid light... That I love. aka Priceless.

Wow that was long winded. Back to the project.

  • Baja Designs lights typically ground on themselves (found this out by testing and verified it with @Baja Designs)
    • To make said dimmer switches work they can not be ground together.
    • @marcytech bracket is aluminum and therefore has continuity.
    • Fix - isolate where they were ground through.
      • The 4 stainless bolts and the Cutless designs Mount
    • Fix - Put rubber between metal and bolt.

So I tried just using the goofy rubber metal washer thing. It was still grounding out on the through hold of where the threads went.

I then added longer bolts and some shrink wrap. Then I needed to open the through holes slightly larger on the Cutless designs mount to allow for the added girth


Not as pretty or clean but for right now it all works.

Ideally I'd find the time and material to make a plastic insert that goes into the light Mount.


I'm Terrible at reading wiring and always over think or think about it wrong.

lets just say it took me a min to figure this out because most dimmer switch wiring online only has 3 wires, not 4 which just through me off.



I believe anodizing is non conductive?

Not positive, been a while.

However if anything touches a non anodized area...
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Reminds me of a wireless door lock I installed. They used one of the bolts that sandwiched the lock to the door to transfer power. To keep it from grounding out on a metal door they just used heat shrink around the bolt. They called it the "Lectro Bolt". I like the idea of using a plastic bushing, it'd be a lot more durable.