where's all the NORRA 1K talk

charlie brown

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2022
starts next week. anybody racing? what class? anybody going down for run? i always wanted to get a group together and do a unofficial "fun run". where we just watch the start each day and follow along and some good access points. jump on the course after the last vehicle goes by and help some to keep moving. and just have a good time. hit many taco stands and have no schedule
I will be racing again, taking both 5 cars again. I will be coming down on Sunday night to SF and going all the way to Cabo and in between each car. Just look for the 2 red 5 cars
Rad dude!

I almost had a seat this year in a rad F100. Just couldn't get the logistics to work out so the team pulled the plug. Hoping 2024 is my year sadly...
We are racing a 5 car too.

I'm headed down to pit for the Ben and Pete Swift who are racing the 507 car under Paquette... I too am meeting them in SF due to a bday party Sat night.

Best race of the year, I'm hoping to do what the OP suggested next year and make it a fun run and jump on course way before, or after the race to cruise and eat tacos
We are racing a 5 car too.

I'm headed down to pit for the Ben and Pete Swift who are racing the 507 car under Paquette... I too am meeting them in SF due to a bday party Sat night.

Best race of the year, I'm hoping to do what the OP suggested next year and make it a fun run and jump on course way before, or after the race to cruise and eat tacos
Yea I guess Ben didn’t feel like winning this year and joined up with Rick hahaha. I will be coming down from SLO coming from a wedding on Sunday so if you guys need help let me know. What time are you heading to SF?
Yea I guess Ben didn’t feel like winning this year and joined up with Rick hahaha. I will be coming down from SLO coming from a wedding on Sunday so if you guys need help let me know. What time are you heading to SF?


We are leaving San Diego early-ish, like 8am, so we’ll be out front. Appreciate the offer. See you at the race!
Dang! Solid finish on day 2 for the 512 car!

Congrats. Looks like you guys are 7th overall??
Sitting 10th and 17th overall with 512 and 511 Yesterday was a very long day with 400 miles but we had zero issues with both cars. We were 5th overall physically to crossing the line yesterday but with penalties we got on day 1 it’s holding us back from the lead in the class, Hap the owner of the fab school 5 car is currently leading in time but the last 2 days and today we start in front of him because of finishing order. I am taking today and Thursday off from racing and giving our shop guys seat time and doing some chasing.
511 had a bad day, dropped a cylinder in motor just after the start of the second special. Also Hap the owner of the fab school 5 car that was leading lost his motor as well. This puts us in 1st place in class now with 512 and starting 7th overall tomorrow for the final part in to Cabo.