
Well-known member
Apr 13, 2022

Ok guys, might get screamed at for this, might get deleted, might get mawmified, i don't know.

Papa Gort is............ HUGGGGEEEEEEE republican/Trump LOVEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR/political guy.
like, if i'm not in the truck..... he for sure has political talk radio on. i mean, i am ALWAAAAAAYS hearing about it. work, home, out with people, everywhere that he is with me or just THERE. hah

now...... i am a republican and i agree with most everything, from what I UNDERSTAND at least. which isn't MUCH, but its enough, i feel like.

nownow...... im bored at work and i don't have anyone to "talk to/vent to" about this, and DR is nono now. soooooooooooooooo here we are.

WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE BIDEN DISAPPEARING SHIT?!??! i know he "officially dropped out of the 24' race against Trump", or at least that's what has been said by everyone everywhere, but then he "disappeared and got CoronaBoner" and................

just idk what the fudge is happening/if i should even care about it/or what/should i start paying attention to papa's rant and raves/keep DGAFing it and staying out of it/whowhatwherehow?!?!?


this thread may be a nono from SmellyElliot and Walsters or something, but I'm bored at work. ha
The cia tried to kill trump and liberalism is a mental disorder.

i knew id get a papa type response in here......

Good listen if you're into podcasts

i will definitely

Who cares.

that's literally my exact response anytime papa says anything about it..........
but the more he tells me how its not just MY FUTURE, IT'S BROGAN'S FUTURE I NEED TO BE AWARE OF, the more it kind of hits home and i want to be more knowledgeable in this shit.
samesame for you with Ryder? right? i don't remember his name but i know you just had a kid.
this is a good podcast. 15min in now.......
i keep having to pause it and look up what the definition of a bunch of different words and phrases are though. hah

cuz eye duumdum
im sorry everyone but......

what IS "the primaries"???

***EDIT. NEVERMIND. googled it***
I understizzzand
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ii know i can google it, but i prefer these types of things to be explained in closer to my terms of understanding
i knew id get a papa type response in here......

i will definitely

that's literally my exact response anytime papa says anything about it..........
but the more he tells me how its not just MY FUTURE, IT'S BROGAN'S FUTURE I NEED TO BE AWARE OF, the more it kind of hits home and i want to be more knowledgeable in this shit.
samesame for you with Ryder? right? i don't remember his name but i know you just had a kid.
I understand it’s our future but look at what’s been going on. Various examples of very obvious foul play by politicians and the government and what has anyone done about it? Nothing at all just let it raise their blood pressure and then they go post rants on Facebook. We’re all just along for the ride so I try not to let it fuck me up.
Just build the life you want in a way that it’s impossible for the government to affect you or your family too directly. Pay attention to your towns politics cuz that’s what it really comes down to
I understand it’s our future but look at what’s been going on. Various examples of very obvious foul play by politicians and the government and what has anyone done about it? Nothing at all just let it raise their blood pressure and then they go post rants on Facebook. We’re all just along for the ride so I try not to let it fuck me up.
Just build the life you want in a way that it’s impossible for the government to affect you or your family too directly. Pay attention to your towns politics cuz that’s what it really comes down to

i agree 110% and i should of been more clear. idk. i have no fu$#cking idea of anything with politics so i was just trying to get an understanding of it all better. and it just snowballed.

but yes, i agree. we literally have no fucking say in any of this. maybe as a group of like an eentire sstate or something, but just as little as we are we have no say.
idk. like i said, it just snowballed and i was bored at work looking to learn about this shit. hah

ElliotSmellliot and WalstersMgEE, you can delete the thread now that im leaving work. haha
i agree with above... the more i try and pay attention the more I get upset. while I lean hard right... at the end of the day who the fuck cares. The left the right, we all trying to live our lives, do whats best for us. and at the end of the day everyone wants to live in a safe area.

People are people we shouldn't be so concerned with stupid ideas or labels. Lets just do better as a whole.

I use to be so pro trump, but truthfully, I want something that brings the country together, and trump isn't doing that. I stand by most of his ideas, but how do we make this one great nation again? That will never happen by pointing fingers and doing what they are doing now. This two party system is fucked...
i agree with above... the more i try and pay attention the more I get upset. while I lean hard right... at the end of the day who the fuck cares. The left the right, we all trying to live our lives, do whats best for us. and at the end of the day everyone wants to live in a safe area.

People are people we shouldn't be so concerned with stupid ideas or labels. Lets just do better as a whole.

I use to be so pro trump, but truthfully, I want something that brings the country together, and trump isn't doing that. I stand by most of his ideas, but how do we make this one great nation again? That will never happen by pointing fingers and doing what they are doing now. This two party system is fucked...
Fuck the two party system. Argentina is a great country to start paying attention to right now with the election of their new president.
Who cares.
People then complain the following:
"I wonder why they keep closing our deserts?"
"I wonder why they keep taking away our guns?"
"My taxes are too high!"
"Man... Gas prices keep going up."
"I can't even afford rent anymore."
"What do you mean, I have to drive an electric vehicle?"
"Off roading is illegal?!? Why?"
"I wish they would just leave me alone."
"Why has my grocery bill doubled or tripled in the last 6-months?"

Just to name a few.
People then complain the following:
"I wonder why they keep closing our deserts?"
"I wonder why they keep taking away our guns?"
"My taxes are too high!"
"Man... Gas prices keep going up."
"I can't even afford rent anymore."
"What do you mean, I have to drive an electric vehicle?"
"Off roading is illegal?!? Why?"
"I wish they would just leave me alone."
"Why has my grocery bill doubled or tripled in the last 6-months?"

Just to name a few.
devils advocate. i didnt vote for our current administration, yet here we are and I say all those same things. I am not 100% confident voting really does anything. Tinfoil hat time. But do you think this government will allow the public to actually influence anything? I feel like they put on the dog and pony show to appease us and so we think we have a say..... But really its like parents and their kids... parents always dictate the rules and let kids think they have some say... but ultimately its the parents choice in anything. I think that is how our country is run.

Why do I think this.... look at last election, 5 mile long trump caravans, trump merch on every corner. it was in your face everywhere... did you see any of that for biden? how the hell does he win? Also feel free to call me an idiot, because I don't know shit. lol
At the end of the day they want us to think we have a say but the puppeteers are running the show behind closed doors. Been that way for a long time. Agreed with the post above, the big shots that are actually calling the shots dont give a fuck about what the public thinks or what we want.

My opinion is work hard, live a modest life and keep your values and family close. At the end of the day its all out of our control anyways. Don't let it consume you, make the best decisions you can for your life and your family and move the fuck on.
People then complain the following:
"I wonder why they keep closing our deserts?"
"I wonder why they keep taking away our guns?"
"My taxes are too high!"
"Man... Gas prices keep going up."
"I can't even afford rent anymore."
"What do you mean, I have to drive an electric vehicle?"
"Off roading is illegal?!? Why?"
"I wish they would just leave me alone."
"Why has my grocery bill doubled or tripled in the last 6-months?"

Just to name a few.

The president isn’t closing deserts nor is the ca governor.

No one has had any guns taken away
No matter who’s in office our taxes will stay high and go higher- we had no say in terms of them goin this high and we’ll have no say next time they raise em again.
No one has to drive an electric vehicle

I can go on but don’t care to put concern in more hypothetical situations

My point in saying who cares is because we have no say in what they decide. No matter who’s in office. Left wing or right wing, just two wings on the same bird.
Klaus Schwab, Rothschild, and minions like soros are the real threat.
Yup- the shotcallers that nobody ever hears or talks about that are actually controlling the money. Meanwhile they keep us occupied with this biden/kamala cartoon show.

I dont want to get too deep in this thread but I do think trump was a good president. I think he actually knows how to run the country properly and he is clearly very successful and knows how to run business. Ultimately the country needs to be run as a business would but he cant shut the fuck up and hold his tongue which the press absolutely LOVES and they rake up every second of it and shove it down everyone's throat how bad he is.
IMO, I wouldn't look at our current political landscape as "business as usual". We're going through something that we haven't seen since the revolutionary era. We're under control of a small group of "elites" that control 90-95% of the world's wealth. Very similar to the days of kings and queens or in the case of the United States, the King of England. The King of England had complete control over everything. He made the laws and got to break them as he pleased. Just like our current "elite" class. They are above the law. Right now, there's a big push to mix the population, get rid of sovereign states and de-arm the population. If you keep people uneducated, fighting with each other and un-armed, they are easier to control. Hence, what's going on in the world today.

One reason why I think you should care, is because we actually have a chance to change that. We have access to more knowledge at our fingertips than we ever have in the past. We can seek out the truth and find it from the comfort of our couch. We're not just limited to what is fed to us through the TV. Computers, radio, internet, podcasts, YouTube, Rumble, etc.... Way more options to find information. We finally have a window into all the fucked up shit that's going on in our own government, our backyard and in the world. If you sit idly by and don't push back at this time, we might never have another chance and world will fall further into enslavement.

Most people don't know but only about 10-15% of the population of the 13 colonies actually supported or participated in the revolutionary war against the British. It didn't take a large group of people to create the greatest country in the world but it did take lots of sacrifice. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence ended up penniless, in jail or dead. Throwing in the towel and saying "who cares" only empowers the people who want control over everything you say and do.

So in short. Care. You don't have to do much but flip these mother fuckers the finger, don't go along with tranny BS, more taxes, sending our money overseas. more wars and retards in control of our goverment. And when people start talking stupid shit, tell them to fuck off.

'Merica!!! Fuck ya!